Can a gedcom files be uploaded to Family Search or does each person need to be individually added?
The answer is a bit of both. You can upload a GEDCOM file into the "Genealogies" database of FS into a thing called the Pedigree Resource File. There it becomes READ ONLY to everyone. No one can modify it--not even yourself (although you are the only one who can delete it). It is free to be searched by anyone.
Once your GEDCOM file is stored in the Pedigree Resource File, You can then transfer information from it into the single shared FamilyTree. Because of the shared nature of the FamilyTree, this must be done more or less on a person by person basis. However, you do have the advantage of moving blocks of information instead of needing to type everything out, depending on the records you are dealing with.
For example, if your GEDCOM contains the name of a person that does not already exist in the FamilySearch FamilyTree (this is rather rare), only a couple clicks will create a new record in the FamilyTree and populate it from your GEDCOM data.
However, the more common experience is that you will find potential duplicates already in the FamilyTree that have already been researched and updated by many different people--frequently over a period of many years. In this case you will need to carefully examine each of those records and determine if your GEDCOM data is more accurate based on all the sources, notes, change history, and other collaborative information that is already in the FamilyTree. If it is, then you can merge those pieces of your GEDCOM data into the already existing records in the FamilyTree.
Remember, nobody has their own privately controlled section of the FamilyTree. It is shared by everyone, and anything that you put into it can be modified by anyone else. The only thing that you have private control over is records of living individuals in your FS account.
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@ScottGummer ScottGummer
As already indicated, you can; but ...
Please Do NOT upload a GEDCOM File in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Upload GEDCOM File in the "Genealogies" Part of "FamilySearch", that is fine; but, please NOT in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Some of the reasons that Users/Patrons (like myself) DO NOT want the ability to upload a GEDCOM File into "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" are:
(1) It is most likely that individuals/persons in a GEDCOM File are ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; and, most Users.Patrons DO NOT even take the time to look to see if any one in their GEDCOM File is already in "Family Tree", in some instances, negating the need to even upload the GEDCOM File.
(2) There has been (many) cases where Users/Patrons, using the "Compare" process (of the upload) have "Dismissed" a "Possible" Match with an individual/person already in "Family Tree"; so that, their "Record", from their GEDCOM File, is loaded into "Family Tree", regardless; just so that, their "Record" appears in "Family Tree" (and, in some instances, for Members of the Church, so they can do the "Temple" Work, despite the fact that the "Temple" Work is ALREADY done with the "Possible" Match with the individual/person already in "Family Tree").
(3) Even with the "Compare" process (of the upload), there has been (many) cases where Users/Patrons have uploaded THEIR version of an individual/person in their GEDCOM File, on top of (ie. Over) an individual/person ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" that has been there for MANY years and is well documented and "Sources" - in many instances obliterating all of the documentation and "Sources".
(4) If an individual/person is ALREADY in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", there is NO need to up uploaded one's version of an individual/person from one's own GEDCOM File - just take note of the the 'FamilySearch Person Idenmtifier' (PID) of the individual/person that is ALREADY in "Family Tree"; and, one can go back later to ensure what information/detail is recorded and attached for that individual/person. just DO NOT uploaded one's version of an individual/person in their GEDCOM File, on top of (ie. Over) an individual/person ALREADY in "Family Tree" - obliterating all of the documentation and "Sources" ALREADY in place/on record.
(5) The "Hours" (sometimes "Days") of work, by other Users/Patrons, that can be needed to CORRECT the DAMAGE done by the upload of a GEDCOM File can be disheartening.
I am sorry ... 'off my soap box' ...
Enter (ie. 'Create) the individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" one at a time - on a one by one basis.
Many of the individuals/persons most probably ALREADY exist in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Use the "Find" facility/function/feature to Search "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", you may be surprised to find some (if not, many) of them already there.
Many well established and documented (eg. "Sourced") individuals/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" have been RUINED by the upload a GEDCOM File into "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
We do not have our OWN "Tree" in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
We ONLY have "Branches", that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is NOT like "Ancestry_com" or the like.
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees' in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" like other "Web" Sites; and/or, 'standalone' personal programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
Here is a good place to start, with how things work in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" (and, other programmes as well):
Introducing The Family History Guide
Introducing The Family History Guide
The Family History Guide
I hope this helps.