May I please have a translation for a birth record
Hello @Nancy Carroll Evans Crawford,
Record: 56.
Child: Friedrich Adolph.
Day and hour of birth: 27 November, 3:00 pm.
Whether legitimate or illegitimate: legitimate.
Father: Johann Babbel, "Eigenkäthner" (= cottager who owns his own cottage).
Mother: Wilhelmine, née Kukliess.
Residence of the parents: Sechshuben.
Day of the baptism: 10 December.
Place [where the parish church is located]: Klein Schönau.
Baptimsal witnesses: Eduard Gudd? . . .; Wilhelmine Meyer? . . .; Johann Friedrich Kukliess . . .
My comments: Here is the link for Klein Schönau from Meyers Gazetteer:
Sechshuben is located approximately two miles north of Klein Schönau.The witness information was difficult to read. I can't decipher where the first witness is from. The second and third witnesses may be from Sechshuben.
Based on this record, I made several edits to my translation for Anna Louise Babbel so be sure to take a look at that translation request again.
Let me know if you have any questions.