Translation Request: Marriage of Josef Schratzenstaller and Maria Vassl, Bavaria

Thank you for the translation of the marriage record #5. I can't decipher much but would and would love your assistance!
Marriage Date: July 23, 1850
Groom: Joseph Schratzenstaller, Miller, of Abtismuhl, born January 3, 1814
Groom's parents: Joseph Schratzenstatter, also a Miller of Abtismuhl?, and his wife Franciska Mayer?
Bride: Maria Vassl, born July 11, 1831
Bride's Parents: ?
Witnesses: ?
Weddings - 8-H | Kühbach Augsburg, rk. Diocese | Germany | Matricula Online (
Here's what I read, by column -
Time of marriage - year, day and month - 23 July 1850
Name of the Groom, first and last name - Joseph Schrätzenstaller
Occupation and religion - miller, cath[olic]
District court, residence, house number - Abtismühle
His parents with first and last names - Joseph Schrätzenstaller, miller at Abtismühle and Franziska nee Meyer
Single or widowed, in the latter case, the name of the former wife - single
Born when and where? - 3 January 1814, Abtismühle
Name of the Bride, first and last name - Maria Nasl
Occupation and religion - farmer's daughter, cath[olic]
District court, residence up to now - Paar, single, Friedberg
Her parents with first and last names - Joh, Bapt, Nasl [can't read] and Maria nee Kißler
Single or widowed, in the latter case, the name of the former husband - single
Born when and where? - 11 July 1831 in Paar
Pastor or his proxy - Pastor Dr. Ign. [Senestrey?]
Witnesses, first and last names, residence - father of the groom and Johann Schneller, independent gentleman in Friedberg
Issuance of official marriage license - 3 July 1850
Married with or without dispensation in the degrees, with or without [can't read] - without
Note - the bride's maiden name is spelled Nasl in this record. Compare the N to the V in Vater in the Witnesses column.
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Thank you so much Sylvia! I will look for the birth record of Maria Vassl/Vasl/Nasl and see what I can find.
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Hmm, I have looked in the Paar and Friedsburg parishes in the Augsburg Diocese. Nothing that I can see for the birth of Maria N or V. Birth date is July 11, 1831, correct? I will begin searching again unless you have some comments that will direct me.
Thank you!
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I looked at the record again, and noticed that the birth date might be 4 July, not 11 July. Notice that the ones in 1831 both have a dot over them, but the number above does not. So looking back at Matricula, I found the birth record for Maria as the fourth entry on the page here -
Here again, the surname is spelled with an N, but looks like it might be Näsl.
The entry for Paar in Meyers Gaz isn't very helpful - no map and no churches listed there.
But the entry for Friedberg has more info -
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Hi, Sylvia,
Thank you for finding the birth record! Maria's date of birth does look like the 4th of July, 1831. Notice that there is no July 11 birth record. The 4th would be out of sequence if it was really the 11th.
To Translate then: Father is Joh Bapt Nasl and the mother is Maria nee Kissler?
Thank you for translating anything else in the baptism record.
So back to Vasl/Nasl: The record below is a record for the birth and death of Georg Schratzenstaller (Maria Vasl/Nasl's son). Does her maiden name also look as though it is spelled Nasl? No need to translate except for the spelling.
Record #9, Georg Schratzenstaller birth and death, Feb 28, 1851
Taufen - 7-T | Kühbach | Augsburg, rk. Bistum | Deutschland | Matricula Online (
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Re Georg's birth record, I'd say the mother's maiden name is Naßl here. Compare the N to the V in Victoria in the record directly below this. Definitely not a V for Maria.
Here's the translation for Maria's birth record -
Name of the child - Maria
Type of birth, dead or alive, name of the midwife or birth helper - d[itt]o [favorably by Anna Gröbl]
Name of the father, his surname - Joh. Bapt. Nasl
Occupation of the father, religion - farmer, cath[olic]
District court, residence, house number - Paar, no. 3
Name of the mother, her surname - Maria Kistler
Occupation of the mother, religion - smith's daughter, cath[olic]
District court, residence, house number - Ried
Time of the birth, year, month day, and hour - 4 July 1831, in the evening at 5 o'clock
Day of baptism, place, district court - the same day, in the evening at 7:30
Pastor or his proxy - the same [C Gilg, pastor]
Witnesses, godparents, first and last names, occupation, residence - [Matthias?] Metzger, famer in Zillerberg
Their proxy, first and last names, occupation, residence - [blank]
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Hi, Sylvia, thank you so much! I believe we can safely go with Nasl as the correct spelling.