Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1690 - Sidler - Marx

I am very interested in any thoughts you have on Margaretha Jlli and her son Marx. I believe she was born in Hauptikon, Kappel am Albis, Zürich. I walked through their records on FS and was unable to find any Jlli entries. I put the name Jlli into "searched records" on FS and found the name often occurs in Bonstetten, Zürich, Schweiz and Stallikon, Zürich, Schweiz. I am hoping your superior knowledge can help us get more on Margaretha. We don't have much, on her or her son Marx, as you will see here: KG
Ostermontag d(en) 21. Aprel [Anno 1690]
E(ltern): Rudj Seidler: Wagners: v(on) Otenbach / Margreth Jlli
Z(eugen): Marx Freÿ: gener / Margrethlj Seidler, Kilchmejers Kleinhansen tochter.
gener (Latin) = son-in-law = husband of Anna (1666)
Kilchmejers Kleinhansen tochter - we had this before: Kirchmeier = church administrator, Kleinhans = Hans the younger.
Illi: the nearest places of citizenship (today) are Aesch bei Birmensdorf, Bonstetten and Stallikon - see this map (scroll down for Hauptikon). The other one (Nürensdorf) is far away (unlikely).
According to Geneal-Forum the Illi of Aesch arrived around mid 17th century from Bonstetten.
Hauptikon belongs to Kappel am Albis. Margaretha Illi married 1692 - there is no mention that she was a widow: quite possible that the was still listed with her parents in the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis before 1692: you may want to check the issues 1670 and 1678 whether Illi are mentioned in Kappel.
Typo on your blog: 1689 Ottenbach census - not 1889 😉.
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WSeelentag Wow, lots of great information. Thanks for the correction on the BV date.
Yes I recognize:
Kilchmejers Kleinhansen tochter
- we had this before: Kirchmeier = church administrator, Kleinhans = Hans the younger.
I have looked at the 1670 and 1678 BVs. Nothing yet however they have the most beautiful script I have ever seen. Thanks, KG