Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1677 - Sidler - Heinrich

Kent Gardiner
Dinstags den 27. Merzen
Kind: Heinrichlj
Elteren: Hanß Rudj Sÿdler, Wagners allhir / Margareth Grobin.
Zeüg(en): Heinrich Gut, Altlj zu Ottenbach / Barbel A...sch ab dem Alt(en)berg
I am unsure about the location of Altenberg - but don't find anything nearer; could be a hamlet long gone.
No reasonable guess about Barbel's surname.
Dinstag = Dienstag = Tuesday.
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Yes - but the one 1675 and 1677 was the same: aka "Altlj". Can't explain that alias/nickname, though.