Ottenbach ZH - marriage - 1696 - Frey & Sidler - Ulrich & Anna

Anno MDCXCVI [1696]
Ulrich Frej / Anna Sÿdler [both] von Ottenbach
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Looking at your blog page right now there is an image titled "Anna Sidler burial13 April 1738 film 8014328 page 343. Not sure about the identity of the second name in this record." The date is 13 April 1738 - but this is a baptismal entry with Anna Barbara Sidler as godmother!
I found Anna Sidler's correct death notice (1738) with the "other Anna" who died 1728. When transcribing this I wasn't carful enough - I just mentioned "Anna Sidler was Ulrich(!) Frei's wife" (not Marx'), but didn't realise what really was the error.
There are a few things for you to fix.
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Found Anna's 1728 death notice in another context (and for Anna the mark in the wrong place) on
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