Translation requests-Dehnhard/Gernhard
Please provide the translations for the marriage of this couple and the death of the husband. Marriage is # 62 and death is #139. I have been unable to find the birth record based on the date provided (in Bebra) so assumption he was from a different location. I also recognize he was a widower as he was 50??? when he married Anna Martha Gernhard.
Your assistance is much appreciated. Death
Here's the translation of the death record, by column -
Running number - 139
Residence, street, and house number, estate or colony number, and so on - Bebra
Name, occupation, and origin of the deceased - Johann Peter Dehnhart, linen weaver, son of the farmer Johannes Dehnhart and his wife Anna Christina nee Ewald, was married to 1) Anna Elisabeth Suß, 2) Anna Martha Gernhardt
Place and time of birth - Bebra, 11 April 1784
Day and hour of death - 22 March [1873], 11 o'clock in the morning
Time of burial - 25 March [1873]
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Here's the translation of the marriage record, by column -
Running number - 62
Name, occupation, origin, age, religion, residence of the groom - Johann Peter Dehnhart, widower and linen weaver here, 50 years old, legitimate surviving son of the deceased linen weaver Johannes Dehnhard and his likewise deceased wife Anna Christina nee Ewald, member of the reformed church, 1835. Died 22 March 1873 [in other handwriting] 11.04.1784 [in other handwriting]
Name, occupation, origin, age, religion, residence of the bride - Anna Martha Gernhardt, 26 years old, legitimate daughter of the deceased linen weaver Conrad Gernhardt and his still living wife Anna Catharina nee Kleinkauf, member of the reformed church. Died 11 April 1867 [in other handwriting] 25.01.1808 [in other handwriting]
Place and day of the civil announcement, or the upper court certification - at the electoral [kurfürstlich] administrative office in Rotenburg, 24 January 1835
Church proclamations - Sunday, 25 January for the first, Sunday 1 February for the second, and Sunday 8 February for the third time, 1835
Day and place of the marriage - 8 February in the church at Bebra, 1835
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