Translation please
No. 37 Lauban, January 29, 1885
Before the undersigned registrar appeared today, personally known, the corpse washerwoman Mrs. Caroline Fischer, née Scharfenberg, resident in Lauban, and reported that Louise Sommer née Menzel, 30 years old, of Protestant religion, resident in Lauban, Innere Nicolaistrasse No. 14, born in Lauban, married to the factory worker Hermann Sommer in Lauban, (parents' names unknown), died in Lauban on January 28, 1885, at 3:30 p.m.
The notifying party declared that she was informed of the death from her own knowledge.
Read aloud, approved and signed Karoline Fischer
The registrar Rammstedt
The agreement with the main register certified
Lauban, January 29, 1885
The registrar Rammstedt0