Please translate Mathias Riegel's Christening Record
Thank you,
Paula Rail
Mathias Johannes Rigels Söhnlein So er mit Anna Gerterutha seiner ehlichen Haußfrau gezeugt ist den _? Juni zu Dieferwalt(?) gebohren u: den 16ten ejusdem getauft worden. Die Gevatterleuth waren Johannes Stein von Meddert(?) u: Matthias Zimmer von Meddert(?), Anna Maria , Johannes Schadten ehliche Tochter, Maria Gerterutha, Christoffell Schadten ehliche Tochter.Translation:
the little son of Mathias Johannes Rigel, who he conceived with Anna Gerterutha, his wife, was born on __?June at Dieferwalt(?) and baptized on the 16th of June. The godparents were Johannes Stein of Meddert(?) and Matthias Zimmer of Meddert(?): Matthias Zimmer of Meddert(?), Anna Maria, Johannes Schadt's eldest daughter, Maria Gerterutha, Christoffel Schadt's eldest daughter.Comment:
It would help to identify the location names correctly if you specify from which parish the record comes.
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I am sorry for not putting the location. The location was Medard. I forgot to do this. This is great. Thank you, Paula Rail