Knonau ZH - deaths - 1676 - Urmi - Heinrich / Hans Jakob / Elisabeth / Alexander
I decided to ignore indexing and go through each Urmi burials from 1670 to 1680. I found Hans Jakob's burial and I am not sure but I may have found Alexander Urmi's (b 1618) burial.
Fifth doc from the maps at the bottom of the post.
(15) 18.08.1676
Heÿni, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg Ehelicher Söhnen einer, 17 Jahr vnd 12 Wochen Allt, der starb den 18. dito [Augstmonat 1696].
Ehelicher Söhnen einer = one of his legitimate sons.
(18) 30.08.1676 see previous topic
Hanß Jacob, Alexander Vrmiß, in der Baregg, ehelicher 21-jähriger Sohn, starb den 30. dito [Augstmonat 1696].
(21) 01.09.1676
Elßeli, Xander Vrmiß in der Baregg Eheliches Eeinlef-Jähriges Töchterlj [minder XI wochen] Starb den 1. tag Septembris [1676].
Eeinlef = elf (eleven) - a spelling I have never seen before - but fits the baptismal date.
(25) 14.10.1676
Wachtmeister Alexander Vrmi in der Baregg starb den 14. dito.
As the dates oft he previous entries cannot be identified clearly it could be 14 October (more likely) or November 1676. Anyway - this is Alexander, born 1618.
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