Translation Request - Death Record #57 - Russian to English
Please provide a translation for the death record of Marianna Rozycka (born Znyk) in the parish of Kiernozia. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 57, Kiernozia Parish, of Teressa Rozycka, born Znyk, who died in Teodorow on the 4th December 1882, death reported on the 6th December 1882, she lived 80 years, stayed with her son in Teodorow, she was born in Stepow, (Złaków Kościelny Parish) daughter of Jan Znyk and of his wife, both deceased. Death reported by Kajetan Rozycki, 36 years old, and Franciszek Lapreda, 34 years old, both living in Teodorow.
Please note that according to Geneteka, the records for years 1758-1807 are missing for Złaków Kościelny Parish, and we cannot validate Teresa Znyk’s birth, also those reporting her death could be inaccurate in stating that her father’s name was Jan, as according to marriage of Jan Rozycki and Teresa Znyk, her father’s name was Jozef. Please consider variations of names in births of their children in Geneteka: Rozycki v. Ruzycki, Znyk v. Znikowska or Znik. You may consider also in Geneteka birth record of Jozefa Znyk, possibly sister of Teresa Znyk, born year 1811, Record No. 21, of Jozef Znyk and Marianna Budowska (Badowska?), when you hover with your mouse over the (i) you will get the information about the ages of Jozef Znyk and Marianna.
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 15, Złaków Kościelny Parish, dated the 7th February 1820, of Jan Rozycki, a young man, 22 years old, according to copy of his birth record from Złaków Parish, he is son of Franciszek Rozycki, a farmer in Stepow, and of Maryanna by the second marriage Szymanska, both deceased, according to copy of the death their record from Złaków Parish, he lives with his brother, Wawrzyniec Rozycki, a master blacksmith, in village Stepow, and of a maiden, Teressa Znyk, showing by the copy of her birth record from this Church that she is 20 years old, she lives with her parents, daughter of Jozef Zyk, a farmer in Stepow, Gmina Złaków Kościelny, and of her mother Marianna, born Badowska. Marriage Banns published. When no impediment detected, and brother of the groom and parents of the bride give permission for this marriage, after reading all the above documents and the 6th Section of the Civil Code, we asked the future husband and the future wife if they want to be united in marriage, and they both individually stated that such was their will. Witnesses: Wawrzyniec Rozycki, 36 years old, brother of the groom, master blacksmith, Wojciech Mieciolek, 36 years old, and Maciej Znyk, 28 years old, a farmer in village Stepow, Gmina Złaków Kościelny. This record was read and signed.,detail,20270,43