Translation request (Russian to English)
from Naujamiestis, Lithuania
Death record for Petronele Kurlianskas, #53 for the year 1884 9 Apr 1884 image 159 of 195 in Naujamiescio RKB mirties metriku knyga, Naujamiescio Šv. Apaštalo Evangelisto Mato Romos kataliku bažnycia (Ecclesia Romana Catholica S. Matthaei Apostoli Nove Miastensis), 1874-1886 m.
09/04/1884 Petronella nee Stankun Kurlianska died of fever in Sveiniki village
She was a peasant of (area name) widow of late Mateus Kurlianski, 60 years old. She had the following children left: sons Kasimir, Josef, Michal, daughters Anna, Elsbetha, Agatha, Helena and Jadwiga.
Buried 11th of April this year1 -
thank you!