Translation Request MR Josephus Weilbach and Gaudentia Rebay 1807 Rohr
Thanks so much! 4th entry from bottom.
Best Answer
Translation by column number:
1: Joseph[us] Weilbach from Rohr
2: weaver, Catholic
3: Royal Bavarian district court Wettenhausen No. 8
4: Joseph Weilbach, Catha[rina] Plegherr
5: single
6: born in Halbertshofen 18 March 1777
7: 10 November 1807 in Rohr
8: M[aria?] Gaudentia Rebay
9: single, Catholic
10: Royal Bavarian "Patrimo[nial]" court Edelstetten
11: Joseph[us] Rebay, Theresia Merkle
12: single
13: born in Feldstetten(?) 15 August 1781
14: Pastor Joseph Conrad
15: Leonard Merkle from Rohr, Anton Weilbach from Edelstetten, both married1
Thank-you @Ulrich Neitzel. I couldn’t decipher the birth villages and some of the names. Hopefully I will now be able to find the BRs for Joseph and Gaudentia. Your help is always much appreciated.