Translation Request czech Marriage Record
PLease help with the translation of this marriage record. It is the last record on the left page of the image.
This is what I think I know about this record, The date is 7 Feb 1751, the village is Horka, the Groom is Mathias, I believe his surname is Stasna, the Bride is Magdalena, I do not know her maiden name.
Please provide surnames of the bride and groom and if available the their birth place and age at time of marriage.
This record can be found in the Zamrsk Archives in the parish of Chrast in the Chrudim district in the noz register 916 ,1744-1784, on page 14.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
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zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
No ages given.
These surnames are hard, especially the Grooms.; I do not see your spelling nor their given names. The first letter is tough to distinguish. I found another example of this letter in the same page 6 entries from the bottom.
I have been working a couple of days on these names. The second surname could be Rozen. Have you seen the index for 1751 for marriages? I found an entry that fits but the spelling is different than what you came up with. Have you found a christening record for Mathias
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No, I have not found a christening record for Mathias but I do have a birth record for his daughter Katerina. This birth record can be found in the Zamrsk Archives in the parish of Chrast register of births, book 916, page 105, record 12. The record is the last one on the right page. I had this record translated by a researcher from the Czech Republic a copy of this translation is attached. You will notice that the father's name has been translated as Matej (Mathias) Stisni/Stasny.
Thank You Betseylee
Birth Record:
Translation: BIRTH
State Archive in Zdmrsk
Roman Catholic Parish in Chrast
Birth Register, Book #916,page #105, record #12
Date of birth: April 16,1759
Date of baptism:April 16,17598
Baptized in Chrast by Chmelidek
Rel igion: Roman Catholic
Name: Catharina / Kateiina
Sex: female
Bed: marital
Place of birth: Horka
Matej Stisni/ St'asny from Horka
Godparents and witnesses:
Kateiina Kuchyikova, wife of Vaclav Kuchyrika from Chrast
Anna Capkova, wife of Jan Capek from Chrast
Matej Chauer from Horka
Midwife: not recorded
Note: The child was baptized on April 16, 1759 in Chrast.
7 Catharina = Kateiina. Stisni = St'asna.
I It is not distinguished between the day ofbirth and day ofbaptism1 -
Do you need the links for the index?
Index for marriage:
Index for possible births: On the second one down under 1734 on the link I am posting is a possibility. The folio is 364.
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One of the tools we use is shows where names currently are found in Czechia. Stisni/ St'asny do not come up as valid. No valid entries for Stisni. One valid entry for Stasny
Another site we use to determine surname:
Wikipedia shows Šťastný as a valid name. I and Y are interchangeable in the Czech language.
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I did see the index for 1751 marriages, that's how I found the marriage record.
I don't think the 1734 birth index record is part of my research . Who did you think this record was referring to?
Thank you for your help Betseylee.
Lewis Klapka
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The baptism one is the wrong surname.
Šťastný (pronounced [ˈʃcastniː]) is a Czech and Slovak surname which literally means "happy".[2] The feminine form of the surname is Šťastná.
Spelling variants include Stiastny/Stiastna, Stiasny/Stiasna, Stiassny/Stiassna, etc