Creating for sex of person conflict where it is not stated on source

Looking at Hattie Bell Jones, KZXH-293, the ranking program is claiming that her sex does not match the sex in the source, "Byron E. Monnette, Ohio Crawford County Obituaries 1860-2004". This database is made up of old punch cards used for transcribed records of Obituaries, not an image of the obits themselves - unless they are glued to the backs of the cards.
Nowhere on the transcription does it state anyone's sex for the system to compare against the identified sex in the profile? It does name her as the "wife" (role) of the male decedent, which implies female.
I have seen this happen in other databases where sex is not stated, but the system flags it as being in conflict with sex on the profile.
If the sex is not stated in the record, why is the system creating a warning? Yes, these can be dismissed, it's no big deal in the great scheme of things. But it is one thing to claim a conflict where none exists and another to simply say "Sex of named person not stated on source document."
@monnettohio I see that the issues were dismissed.
I looked at this source:
When I opened it to see what was unfinished I saw this:
The source is incorrectly aligned. If you click on 'change person' and switch to Byron, then attach the source to him, does this clear up the issue?