Am I missing something?
I'm looking for the marriage record of Emanuel Franz VON BARTENSTEIN and (Maria) Elisabeth RODEN VON HIRZENAU. I'm hoping this record will confirm the parentage of Elisabeth RODEN VON HIRZENAU.
Theoretically this shouldn't be hard to find. Many secondary sources put the date as September 1798. I've located Elisabeth's birth and death records, the location of her tombstone, her parents' marriage record, and a marriage record of her son. But try as I might, her own marriage record is elusive.
here is my research so far:
The RODEN VON HIRZENAU were headquartered in Khrov and Hrottovice. Elisabeth was born in Brno, and I've combed through all those parishes.
Emanuel VON BARTENSTEIN was associated with Knönitz, Hennersdorf, Janov u Krnova, Miroslav, Kromau.
What could I be missing?
I can't see your research on Ancestry as I'm not a user there (someone else might).
But the Wikipedia article for Matějovice (Matzdorf) claims that Emmanuel Freiherr von Bartenstein was the lord of the local manor. Maybe check there? Considering the Bartenstein were a aristocratic Austrian family, Vienna, the capital city, may also be a good place to look for a wedding.
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Marriage took place in Hrotovice (, marriage record is here ( It wasn't that hard to find.