Is this 'gullschers' and what occupation would it be?
record second to last at the bottom for marriage of Hanß Mock and Catharina Ohl in Hoerdt, Alsace in 1667. Hanß's father is described as what looks to be a former 'gullscher' or 'guttscher' at Boufeld or Benfeld (or is that Goufeld or Genfeld). Suggestions on the occupation and the place name? I found a Benfeld in Alsace, but far away from Hoerdt. Thanks!
:Anno 1667
:Hanß Mock, Hanß Mocken geweßenen guttsegers zu Beufeld?, hinderlaßener Sohn: Und f. Kättarina, Martin Ohlen Bürgers und zimmermanns allhir ehel. tochter. Copulirt den ii Februar: ☾
:Year 1667
:Hanß Mock, surviving Son of Hanß Mock, former ?? at Beufeld?: and maiden Kättarina, legitimate daughter of Martin Ohl, Citizen and carpenter here, married the 11 February: ☾ [moon symbol = Monday]
[11 Feb 1667 in Julian calendar would be 21 Feb 1667 in the Gregorian calendar according to , which was a Monday.
Best Answers
Hello @Tom Randolph,
Thode, German-English Genealogical Dictionary, has the word Gutsherr = lord of the manor.
I read the place as written in the record as "Bennfeld" = Benfeld:
The distance between Hördt and Benfeld is approximately 27 miles.
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You're welcome, Tom. Let's see if others weigh in on this question. Very interesting. I pointed out the distance because I didn't feel it was that great an impediment to the place being Benfeld.
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I notice that on image 47 of the same film there is the March 1668 record of the baptism of the couple's son Diebolt. In that record Hans Mock/Mak/Moek is noted to be "(vulgo Gutscher_____)" . I'm not confident of the ending of that "vulgo" name, it looks like "henfel" to me but maybe it's "benfel"?
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Hello again @Tom Randolph,
The online site Wörterbuchnetz has two entries for the word "Gutscher" indicating that this is an alternative spelling for the word "Kutscher" = coachman. Since these folks were "all just normal townfolk", this might be the father's profession.
See the following entry from the Grimm Brothers' Dictionary in Wörterbuchnetz:
@Robert Seal_1 . Thanks! Actually I saw that gutsherr in Thode, but dismissed it since these folks are all just normal townfolk so it seemed out of place. And the Benfeld is from south of Strasbourg and this actually the first mention of anyone from that area. But certainly all possible! I'll dig around some more to see if it fits.
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Thanks @Robert Seal_1 , @JohnsonGreg , coachman is a much better fit!