Transcription/Translation help with marriage record 1779 Bromberg
The record I'm hoping to understand is the last one on the first page of the spread. It is 11 May 1779. Marriage of Michael Krause and Maria ? It is indexed, but I'm not sure if it is correct. Could you please help with the details of the record. What I see:
11 May 1779, ? copuliert worden das Michael Krause ein Schlosser ? aus ? mit Maria ? geb. Lüdken aus ?
I've included link to image on FamilySearch as well as on my OneDrive whichever is easier to access.
Thank you!
Best Answer
My additions in bold:
11 May 1779, Ist pro XXVI zu Bromberg copuliert worden Juv: Michael Krause ein Schlossergeselle? gebürtig aus Ost-Preußen mit der verwitweten Maria Pettelkamp? geb. Lüdken aus Kalisch?
On 11 May 1779 was married in Bromberg as No. 26 the bachelor Michael Krause, a journeyman locksmith born in East Prussia with the widowed Maria Pettelkamp née Lüdken from Kalisch.
Comment: There are some uncertainties marked by question marks. There are two locations in Poland called Kalisch/Kalisz, but both are about 100 miles from Bromberg/Bydgoszcz, Kalish to the north (
) and Kalisz to the south.0
Thank you VERY much!! This transcription/translation is extremely helpful to me.
I appreciate your work!!