Can anybody look up obituaries in Poland
You may try to search for this death record in -Search - Records, or in MyHeritage. You may also search in for "Marian Jozef Kmyta" I did not have much success looking in
Wroclaw has population of over 630.000 residents, there was the 2nd World War since Marian Jozef Kmyta was born, involving Wroclaw. The chance of any obituaries to be located there is minimal. The Archives in Wroclaw require that you give the date and place for them to locate any death record, and the records for the last 100 years are usually restricted due to privacy concerns. You may try contacting your relatives to learn more about him and his life.
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Unfortunately he would have been my last living family member, unless he had a family of his own but at this point have no way of knowing . I know in 1960, well after the war, he was still alive in Wroclaw. But nothing else to go off of sadly :(