Translation request -marriage Stöcker
Please confirm my translation of this marriage:
#112 Heinr. Stöcker ; is this saying father Wilh(em) St(ocker) ? born : Asmus (means Asmushausen??) born Feb 28, 1865
marriage to Wilhelmina Roos ; father Heinr(ich) Roos-dead from Lutgendortmund ; born August 4 1869
Groom: Heinr. (Heinrich) Stoecker living in Luetgendortmund
Fahter: Wilh. (Wilhelm) Stoecker
Professional title: Difficult, cannot read
Born: 28-2-65
Wilhn (Wilhelmine or Wilhelmina) Roos
Fahter: + Heinrich Roos, Lgtg (died before 1891)
Born: 4-8-1868
Marriage date: 13-11-1891
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thank you—I feel this is my Heinrich Stoecker. Can you tell me if Asmus. written under Wilhelm Stoecker would mean where he is from——Asmushausen??
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For Heinrich Stöcker, the occupation looks like Bergm[ann] = miner. For his father, the occupation looks like Schuhm[acher] = shoemaker.
If you just type "Asmus" into Meyer's Gaz, it comes up with only three places - Asmus in Westpreussen, Asmushausen in Hessen-Nassau, and Asmusstedt in Anhalt. Since the list is small, you could look for the father in any one of these places. It's unclear from the way the place is written in the record as to which one it could be, unless you have other supporting evidence for Asmushausen.
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Thank you. nice to have occupations. And I have confirmed the birth date with the father Wilhelm in Asmushausen , Hessen-Nassau. Henrich travelled 250 km away from his birth place. Would sure like to learn the back story to that move.
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It is also possible that the occupation for Wilhelm Stöcker is Schäfer (shepard).
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He did come from a family of Shepards so that is a possibility too.