Translation Help Please
This is a marriage record for Stephan Lash, son of Philipp and Dorothea Lash and Anna Elizabeth Härlerin, daughter of "George" and Anna Maria Härler on 4 January 1727 in church records in Heilbronn. It is too complicated for me to sort out! This image is the first entry on this page: filmstrip 8111585, image 538. I don't think the link works?
Thank you so much in advance.
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
I apologize for failing to post an image of the record. When a tried to add it, I received a "permissions problem" message.
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Samstags d. 4 Januarii sind von mir Endes Unterschriebenem auf des wohlgeb. Herrn von Hindenburgs, königl. preußischer bey dem Hochfürstl. Holsteinischen Regiment wohlbestallten Hauptmanns gegebener Erlaubnüß, auch mit Vorwissen und Bewilligung des allhiesigen wohllöbl. Stadts Magistrats christl. Ordnung gemäß durch meine priesterliche Hand copuliret und eingesegnet worden:
Stephan Lasch, Musquetier unter wohlgedachtem Hrn. Hauptmanns Compagnie; Philipp Laschen und Dorotheae, bürgerl. Innwohner zu Heimenwirth, höchfürstl. Würtemb. Jurisdiction, ehlicher Sohn; und:
Elisabetha Härlerin, Hs Jörg Härlensund Annä Mariä, bürgerliche Inwohner zu Abstatt, hochfürstl. Löwensteinische Herrschaft, ehliche Tochter;
der heil. Copulations "actus" geschah vormittags in gegenwart der Laschen Eltern und Verwandten in der Sacrißtey der allhiesigen Hauptkirch zu St. Kilian in Heilbronn von dem damahligen Wochner
M. JoGeorg Dietz
ältesten Pfr. allhierTranslation:
On Saturday, January 4, were married and blessed by my priestly hand according to Christian order by me the undersigned upon permission given by the well-born Mr. von Hindenburg, royal Prussian captain of the High Princely Holstein Regiment, also with the prior knowledge and approval of the local city magistrate:
Stephan Lasch, musketeer in the above-named captain's Compagnie; legitimate son of Philipp Lasch and Dorothea, citizens of Heimenwirth, highest princely jurisdiction of Württemberg ; and:
Elisabetha Härlen, legitimate daughter of Hans(?) Jörg Härlen und Anna Maria, citizens of Abstatt, princely Löwenstein dominion;
The sacred(?) act of marriage took place in the sacristy of the main church of St. Kilian in Heilbronn in the morning in the presence of the Lasch parents and relatives by the then "Wochner"
M. Johann Georg Dietz
most senior pastor here1 -
Dear Ulrich Neitzel,
Thanks a million! You are an angel! This is a fantastic addition to my family history. I have not found another marriage record with this depth of detail. I just can't thank you enough! I will treasure this record and always think of you (and credit you with the translation!) when I read it over and over.
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
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Thank you!