Wetzikon ZH - baptism - 1799 - Wolfensberger - translation
Wetzikon 1799 birth Johannes Wolfensberger 15 December Ettenhausen translation
First document. On this page there are no indents Also they have a nice yearly summary at the bottom of the page.
Johannes den 15. Dec (1799)
Heinrich Wolfensperger von Etenhausen / Margaretha Wild von Fuchsreute
Alt...(?) Johann Wolfensperger von Etenhausen / Elisabeth Wild von Fuchsreute Pfarrei Gossau
This is Gossau in canton Zürich (not the one in St.Gallen!) where Wild have been citizens since before 1800.
The "Alt...(?)" refers to a position with the "Alt" indicating that the holder has retired. What position, I don't know.
Re the indents: we had discussed this for marriage records - don't think we have seen that with baptismal records.
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WSeelentag Good to know about the Alt. It is often these little details that most people would miss. However they add to the story of the person. Beautiful translation!
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