Wetzikon ZH - baptism - 1799 - Jenta - translation
Translation: 1799 Sep 4 Hieronymus Jenta baptism. Wetzikon
Hieronÿmus den 4. Sept, getauft zu Lenzburg
Parents: Hartmann Jenta von Etenhausen / Verena Anliker [spelling today = Angliker] von Bir
Godparents: Hieronÿmus Halder, Kupferschmied [coppersmith] zu Lenzburg / Ver. Heß von Riesbach bei Zürich zu Lenzburg.
What is the difference between "von* and "zu" in connection with a community? It may not have been used strictly by all people keeping such records, but usually "von" indicates the place of citizenship - whilst "zu" indicates where someone lived without being a citizen there. Here we likely have an example where it didn't work (possibly because the pastor in Wetzikon didn't know better): Halden have been citizens of Lenzburg since 1568.
"Ver." could be Verena or Veronika - with Verena being more common in Switzerland She could be the wife of Hans Heinrich Kienast.
Riesbach was merged with the city of Zürich in 1893 - see https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/prd/de/index/stadtarchiv/bestaende/pfarrbuecher/PfarrbuecherRefKirchen-ErsteEingemeindung-1893.html.
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WSeelentag After all the work I have done I have never heard the difference between zu and von. That is fascinating info. I will look for that in the future.
Also, this makes me wonder why Hartmann and Verena are in Lenzberg. Apparently Hieronÿmus' namesake who is her godparent lives there.