Navigation to Create New Group Challenge
This likely is a small nit, but it does cause confusion. It is applicable to both Groups and Family Groups. We are serving in Africa and trying to put together some instructions on creating and using groups both in English and in French. The French version of FamilySearch does not have a link under the Family Tree tab. We thought no problem, we'll just show them how to get there from the Temple Tab. However, when you open Groups from the temple tab, it opens the following link
which has no obvious way to see how to create a new group (maybe it does if you don't have one already) and shows the first group with the others available in the side bar. This is true in both English and French. If you click on view group you can see the group members and at the top left of the page there is a back to groups link that takes you to where you can create a new group.Ideally, that should be the link that is opened from the temple tab as it is from the Tree tab. For someone not willing to play around and try to figure it out, it would be very frustrating like it was for my wife. I knew from the past there was a way to do it, but it sure was hard to figure out. Hopefully it is a quick and simple fix. It also shows a very convoluted navigation instruction for us to show members that speak French
@StacieMer1 , maybe this will help. If you click your name in the upper right corner of any page, you get a dropdown menu. The second option on the menu is Family Groups, and it takes you directly to the Family Groups page.
I just changed my interface to French, and the option is there: Groupes familiaux.
This option works even if users have not enabled the Family Group Trees experiment from FamilySearch Labs. (On the other hand, the Family Trees and Groups option only displays on the English Family Tree menu if they have.)
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@StacieMer1 Family Group Trees are still in experimental mode. We are working hard and fast at making all the languages look the same. Showing Family Groups in the Tree drop-down menu is one of the latest changes that we are working on. Keep watching, future updates should fix this.