Wetzikon ZH - birth - 1744 - Wolfensberger - 2 Anna born within 7 days

Translation: Anna Wolfensberger's birth record, von Wetzikon
I marked Anna's birth record with a red square. There is another Wolfensberger birth just below her record. Both are named Anna and were born 7 days apart. Can I get both translations? I included the indexed information from FS for reference. Many, many thanks.
It appears the parents are listed in the first column and baptismal sponsors in the second. Regards, Kent
Anna 22 Nov [1744]
Parents: Hanß Heinrich Wolfensperger von Etenhusen und Margeht [should be Margreth] Schmid, seine Hausfrau.
Sponsors: Jacob Wolfensperger im Ämetschloo und Anna Mejer des Müllers [Hanß Jacob Gujer ??] Frau zu Kempten.
Anna 29 Nov [1744]
Parents: Joos Wolfensperger von Etenhusen und Cathrin Wild, seine Hausfrau.
Sponsors: Meister Hanß Jacob Gujer, Müller zu Kempten, und Anna Wolfensperger im Ämetschloo
In that situation more information is needed to be sure about their relations (e.g. their husbands) - the parents may be listed in the marriage records.
Just a word of caution: in your online tree you seem to be relying partly on Billeter's work. He is known to be very accurate on copying data - but often being a bit sloppy about filiations. Conclusion: all his data should be confirmed by checking the original records.
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WSeelentag Wolf: Thanks for your wonderful translation.
I agree completely that all of Billiter's work should be backed up with original records. I spent a year and a half having over 1300 German records from Graben, Baden, Germany. I found very few Billeter errors. You may know Robert Seal and many others who helped me daily for a year and a half. Kent