Ek Skaraborg translation
Can someone help with the translation? This is in Ek Parish, page 27 in 1761. Kjiestin was born April 16 to Jean Månsson and Catharina Bengtsdotter. The next 2 boxes are where I am really needing help. I see words like Anders, på, and Ruu, but that's it. Can someone help with this translation?
Is this a record that can only be viewed in a FamilySearch Center? FS cannot find the page when I try to open it from home.
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No. Here is the sok.arkiv URL. Thank you!
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It looks like they must have lived in Mariestad, Stora Ruudet. The families are listed by number in the Husf…, maybe the village number, or district?? I would love to see the translation still.