Rosa Maria Lara Nunez is looking for help

Gracias, Vivo en España, en Ourense, estoy buscando mis antepasados por parte de mi padre y no he podido aanzar nada, pues no encuentro rastro de mis bisabuelos paternos. Como no tuve contacto con la familia de mi padre nunca supe nada de ellos. Los dtos que tengo son qwuem tanto mi padre como mis abuelos nacieron en Bogotá, Cundinamarca Colombias. Las fechas de nacimiento de mis abuelos paternos Ezequiel Lara 1870- 1938 apox. Cornelia Zambrano 1874-1950. No se si esta comunidad me pudiera ayudar. Gracias
Translation from Spanish:
Thank you, I live in Spain, in Ourense, I am looking for my ancestors on my father's side and I have not been able to find anything, because I cannot find a trace of my paternal great-grandparents. Since I had no contact with my father's family I never knew anything about them. The information I have is that both my father and my grandparents were born in Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. The dates of birth of my paternal grandparents Ezequiel Lara 1870- 1938 apox. Cornelia Zambrano 1874-1950. I don't know if this community could help me. Thank you
@ScottSeegmiller I looked on Ancestry for a public tree but did not find one.