Translation Request for Birth of Johan Bernard Wilhelm Beckhues
Please translate the birth/baptism record for Johan Bernard Wilhelm Beckhues. He was born 6 May 1859 at Schöppingen. I am also including a link to Matricula online. It will be entry #36. Thank you for your help!
No. 36
[Name of the child:] Johann Bernard Wilhelm
[Date of birth:] 6 May [1859]
[Hour of birth:] afternoon 1:30 p.m.
[Legitimate or llegitimate:] legitimate
[Name and status of the father:] Bernard Henrich Beckhues, retired farmer? ("Leibz[üchter] zelters Haardt")
[Name of the mother:] Maria Francisca gt Clara, Witpers
[Residence of the parents:] Gemen
[Date of baptism:] 7 May
[Baptizing priest:] baptised in Heek
[Names of the godparents:] Wilhelm Heuer gt Haardt, Anna Christina Hörst
gt = genannt = called
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@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you for your help with this document!!!