Is someone able to translate the date of this German birth record?
The person I am researching is #21 Elisabetha Eichele born in Sept. 1879. I am unable to tell what the birth and christening dates are. I think the numbers there are the hours of the event. This is a German in Russia duplicate church record. It is located in the St. Petersburg, Odessa area of the Lutheran Church duplicate records.
Thanks so much for your help and knowledge! This is such a wonderful help to us all!
Best Answers
Hello @E Vollmer,
You're welcome.
What is written in the birth column is: Den 1 ersten, 10. Uhr Abends = the first [of September], 10 o'clock in the evening.
The word "first" is written twice: both as the number "1" and as the word "ersten". In this particular entry, the scribe apparently forgot to place parentheses around the number "1" as he did around the numbers in all the other entries on this page .
Thanks so much. That is exactly what I needed to know! What is the German word they are using for 'first?'