Translation Request Please For This Marriage Record
I would appreciate a translation for this 1767 marriage record for Claussen/Hinnrichs. It is No. 7 on the page. Thank you very much.
Best Answer
D[en] 20ten [April 1767] ist der S.J. Wever Hans Claussen aus Schwienhusen mit S.J. Martje Hinnrichs des weil. S.J. Reimer Rode Hinnrichs gewesenen Müllers in Schwienhusen nachgelaßener jüngsten Tochter letzterer Ehe verlobet, eode[m] die Fer. IIda Paschator una vice u quasimodogeniti 2da et tertia vice pr[o]clamiret worden darauf d 28ten Aprill copuliret.
On 20 April 1767 the S.J. Wever Hans Claussen from Schwienhusen was engaged with S.J. Martje Hinnrichs, surviving youngest daughter from the last marriage of the late miller Reimer Rode Hinnrichs in Schwienhusen; banns were read for the first time on the same day, Easter Monday, and on Quasimodogeniti [Sunday after Easter] for the second and third time, then they were married on April 28.
My Comment:
I don't know what the abbreviation "S.J:" means.
Entry in Meyers for Schwienhusen:
Thank you very much! Very helpful as I was unable to read the village name.
I don't know what that "S.J." is either but I see it is on other entries on that page as well.