Translation request
Please make it easier for people to help: give the link to the full image whenever humanly possible -- and if it's paywalled, figure out a share link and/or do highest-quality-possible screenshots.
My eyes are tired enough that I can't quite figure out the location for the first one (maybe Devecser?), and in the second one, the place is partially obscured by the toolbar (maybe Sárvár?), so I can't easily remedy the lack of link.
(Just don't give links their own line here in Community. It'll "helpfully" mangle them if you do.)
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Yes, it is Demescer and Sarvar.
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You were clearly looking at these images on FS. I can see FS's image-viewer tools. What is so difficult about copying the URL from that image and pasting it here? Why are you trying to make me re-do your work in order to help you with the next steps?
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Sorry, I have caused you so much distress. I'm not that commuter literate and I don't understand links that you are talking about. You translated one other piece for me and I don't understand what I provided is any different.
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Here's a link to the Devecser record:
And the Sarvar record:
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Thanks, again
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Thanks, Christopher. Your eyes are better than mine, I think.
Number 8. Dated in Demecser, 25 October 1895.
Informant: Gyula Szegedi, agricultural day-laborer, residence Demecser, Nagy street number 141, whom the below-written registrar knows personally.
Deceased: Mária Szegedi, Reformed, residence and birthplace Demecser, age 10 days.
Father: Gyula Szegedi, agricultural day-laborer, Demecser resident, Nagy street number 141.
Mother: Terézia Vigh, Demecser, Nagy street number 141.
Death: Demecser, 24 October 1895, 2 a.m.
Cause: congenital weakness.
Read forth, approved and signed. One word crossed out. [Referring to "years" at the end of the field for the deceased's age.]
The religion is given here as "evangelical reformed", which is a common but incorrect expansion of the abbreviation _ev. ref._. It actually stands for "reformed according to the gospel", and is one of the many ways to refer to the larger of the two main Protestant denominations on Hungary's official list of the time. Other names for it include Reformed, Calvinist, and Helvetic Confession.
Number 72. Dated in Sárvár, 7 October 1903.
Informant: József Herczeg, day-laborer, residence Beicz, who verified his identity with a community certificate.
Deceased: widow Mrs. József Herczeg born Julianna Zsoldos, Roman Catholic, day-laborer-woman, residence Beicz, birthplace Gyertyános, age 81 years.
Spouse: the late József Herczeg.
Father: the late Pál Zsoldos, farmer, Gyertyános.
Mother: the late Mrs. Pál Zsoldos born Rózsa Meleg, Gyertyános.
Death: Beicz, 6 October 1903, 10 a.m.
Cause: old age ["final exhaustion"].
Remark: informant is the deceased's son.
Read forth, approved, and signed.
The 1902 gazetteer spells it Beicz and says the civil registry office was in Sárvár, while the 1906 edition spells it Bejcz and indicates that the relevant registry office had been moved to Nyőgér.