Bringing people over automatically from your private tree
This sounds like a great idea, except that you may not want all of those people in your Family Group Tree.
The administrator page instructs you to:
For example, I have a Family Group Tree that is for my side of the family. We share stories, photos and little experiences. Crystal's first step. Sam's first formal dance. Ammon and Rebecca's engagement. And I would want to share these items with both my side of the family (my siblings and nieces and nephews) as well as on my husband's side of the family. However, my siblings and nieces and nephews wouldn't even recognize most of the folks on my husband's side of the family. They wouldn't be sharing this kind of information with them. So I created two groups, one on my side, one on my husband's side. I can share my stories and pictures with both groups, but each side shares only with those people that matter most to them.
That last line from the Administrator page kinda sums it up: my siblings and nieces and nephews are not related to my husband's siblings and nieces and nephews, even though both are related to me.