Switching between Group and Personal - Pedigree Views
My wife has the starting person for her account as her great-grandmother.
When in the family group and she is on any of the pedigree views currently available there and has herself as root person then changes to her personal private space, instead of staying with her as the root person and just changing to her version there, it changes the root person to her great-grandmother as the starting person.
This is not what I would expect to happen, although I can see why it does.
Would it be possible to keep the same root person in the pedigree when switching between groups and the FamilySearch space if that person in the group also exists in the users private space? Or is there just no connection between the two at all that the program can follow? That is, does the program not keep track of any association between a person's profiles between groups?
(Or was this because she did not copy a version of herself from her private space into the group? We'll have to try that..... Interesting. It appears that since she accepted the invitation and associated herself with the profile I created for her in the group by copying from my private space, she cannot copy her own profile from her private space into the group.)
@Gordon Collett You've brought up several issues here. First, the request to stay on the same person when switching between trees has been brought up to the engineers, we will add your thoughts to those others.
You, as administrator, sent the invitation to your wife and the invitation essentially says that the person it is sent to is the same person as X in this tree. So, whoever responds to that invitation has their user profile linked to that particular tree profile. so, no, this only links your wife in to the group and its associated tree. She can copy herself (and all her memories) by clicking the COPY FROM MY TREE button directly below the starting person listed on the the group details page: