I'm looking the dead and date place of an ancestor. Her name is Florence BALESTIN. she's born in Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont in 1803. His spouse, Henry FAUCONNIER and her lived in Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Nivelles untel the last one's death in 1877.
After this, i lost everything about her. All i know is she's dead before 1893 (thanks to a death notice of one of his children).
The only way for me to progress is to look into Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Nivelles population register after 1877 and before 1893 to see (maybe) where she's got away.
If somebody can help me about it, it could be great.
She could be in this catalogue, or the next one.
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I’ve already looking in it and didn’t found her! I think she’s moved after his man dead.
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Yes, one can assume that she lived forever in the same village, but mostly, when the husband dies, a great many woman in that time-frame went to a boarding house to serve, or went to their childrens's care ; and those can have another town to live.I did some query, but i did not find her in het Belgisch rijksarchief under that name,also went to her page, to look into the sources, all added by the same two persons but no certificate of death is present here also,still , important to check it, came to know that she also had another husband, so married two times , both marriages with children.I only found her once as an aside, but her name is spelled as "Florentine"=> that would be the spelling that i can advise you to use.I did not find her in Openarchives, correction, she is there , but not with evidence, only mentioned in another document(of the son)......I did not Find Fauconnier either,i think a better spelling for him would be 'Henri'
You can answer in French if you like, i cannot red it , but i van feed it to google translate...I think you are Belgian ? I am in any way. Living in Zelzate
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Another way to find her , is to look it up in the tables decenales , but only if you can find and match the correct community....commune.This is the list of complete Henegouwen, you can find Petit-Roeulx via md-f (mac) or control-f Windows