Help on Great-Grandmother's birthplace
I recently was given a copy of my grandmother's baptismal certificate. I am not able to decipher her mother's birthplace, it looks Tinkafalu, Ung, Hungary. If anyone has any ideas, I would love some help. Thanks so much!
I know her father's birthplace was Ordog Vagas later known as Porubka/Priekopa in Slovakia. I have been able to find records for him. :)
I'd read it as Pinkafalu, except I can't find such a thing in any of the gazetteers. Closest I can find in Ung county is Pinkócz (later Ungpinkócz, now Pinkovce, Slovakia:, which had a Reformed church locally. GC was recorded in Lakárt, and RC in Jenke. However, I can find no reference to this village by any name other than (Ung-)Pinkócz, and none of the church registers relevant to it have anyone indexed by the name "Poltis" (although the Greek Catholic and Protestant ones do have Pótis).
Grr, frustrating!
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Thank you! That at least gives me somewhere to start. I had always been told my great-grandmother's name was Elizabeth Potish, so Potis may work. My great-grandfather's records were found in Tiba as he was Roman Catholic. I will search the Greek Catholic records in Lakart to start. :)
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Here's a kinda marriage record:
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A kinda emigration record for Elizabeth, showing last residence as Pinkocz:
She travelled on the "Potsdam" arriving in New York in March 1901, coming to Pittsburgh to see her sister Ilona Potis.
Here is the manifest:
Doesn't give a birthplace. Birth year is approximately 1881.
Her baptism record in Greek Catholic records in Lakart?:
Her parents' marriage?:
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Grr, they still haven't fixed our inability to approve of posts in groups... Thanks, Christopher, that makes me feel slightly more successful.
The only problem is, I can't find Erzsi's sister Ilona in the Lakárt register. Of course, the indexers had loads of trouble with the handwriting in it (understandably), and I don't have time or energy to page through it. (If it were an elusive brother, I'd suggest checking the Pinkócz register, since children in mixed marriages generally followed the religion of their matching-sex parent, and Pál Pótis is noted to be "Helv." = Calvinist = Reformed.)
Pótis is how you spell "Potish" in Hungarian. (The letter s by itself denotes the /sh/ sound like in 'ship'; to get the /s/ sound like in 'sip', you write sz.) The certificate's extraneous 'L' in the surname is also explainable: in the various regional or social accents/dialects of Hungarian, there is a pattern of long vowels alternating with the short vowel plus L. The example that came to mind for me was Bódog "Felix" versus boldog "happy, blessed". (The name revives the older form of the vocabulary word.)
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The difficulty is that we don't know when Ilona was born or who she married. I haven't been able to find the Kudlai family in any census, either.
Erzsi's mother Eva died in 1890. I checked the baptisms from 1885(2 years after brother Paul was born) through 1890; didn't find Ilona's baptism. Didn't find a subsequent marriage for her father in the Lakart records.
I noticed that mother Eva was a widow when she married Pal Potis.
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I wonder if their daughter Julia (born a year after their wedding: turned into Ilona later on? (Or possibly the register misrecorded her name? I can well believe that whoever wrote this could've misread his own notes.)
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I wonder if Georg Kudlai and Erzsi Potis got married at St Elizabeth Church in Pittsburgh, same place as their daughter's baptism.
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17 February 1779, Julia, parents Pótis Pál and Dankóczik Éva (
17 February 1882, Helen, parents Pótis Pál and Éva (
(No, there's no birth on 17 February entered in 1882 in Lakárt, nor is there a baptism indexed in Pinkócz in February or March of 1882.)
She wouldn't be the first to fudge her age a bit, or to just honestly lose track of the correct year.... And in further support of my theory on the name (that the scribe misread his own notes), I offer the fact that in 1879, the vast majority of clerk-types firmly believed that Julia was just short for Julian(n)a; notice that the second entry down from "Julia" is, in fact, a Juliana.
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I'm sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of months; my mom passed recently and life has been busy! I'm just going though these records and I cannot thank both of you enough! The marriage record is for sure my great-grandparents; I have searched for them for years and recently was given a copy of my grandmother's baptismal record where her mother's name was listed as Elisabeth Poltis. This gives me so much information to add and search. Your help is priceless!
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The records for my great grandfather’s family, the Kudlacs or Kudlats are in the area of Tiba as he was Roman Catholic and lived in Priekopa. I’ve found many ancestors there. Thank you both again, I had a very productive day at the family search center.