Translation Request
Hello, here is the translation of Scan 7. It's very helpful for the translators to also include what you know. Including the places of residence, the names, years, record types etc. Thank you!
Wen__e on the last day of October 1874
Before the undersigned registrar appeared today
the person be
Wo__ Friedrich Kollwitz
Resident of Wen__ K__ Neidenberg
of the Protestant religion
and showed that of Amalie Kollwitz
born Dolege of his wife
of the Protestant religion
residing with her
at Wenren Kieid Neidenberg
on the eighth day of October
of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty and one
in the afternoon at five o'clock
A child of the female sex was born which
The foremen Gottlieb and
Wilhelmiene had received
Approved and signed
Crosses of Kollwitz
0 -
Here's some additions and corrections in bold to scan #7 -
Wansen on the 13th October 1874
Before the undersigned registrar appeared today,
personally known,
Wirth [innkeeper] Friedrich Kollwitz
Resident of Wansen Kreis Neidenburg
of the Protestant religion
and declared that
ofAmalie Kollwitzborn Dolege
ofhis wifeof the Protestant religion
residing with him
at Wansen Kreis Neidenburg
on the eighth day of October
of the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four
in the afternoon at five o'clock
gave birth to a child of the female sex
was bornwhichwas given the names Gottliebe and
Read, approved and signed
Crosses of Kollwitz
0 -
Here's as much as I can make out of scan #5 - the bottom part gets very fuzzy and it's difficult to make out the words.
Third Section
No. Amount Mortgages and Property Debts No.
1-8 gelöscht
9 3800 M Dreitausend achthundert Mark deutsche
Reichswährung nebst 4% jährlicher
Zinsen von Weihnachten 1884 ab, Dar-
lehnsforderung der Ostpreußischen Land-
[schaft?] nach Maßgabe ihres Reglements
vom 24 December 1808 und der Ergänzungen
desselben, insbesondere der Vorordnung
vom 28. Februar 1859 vom 23. Juni 1866
vom 6. April 1872 und vom 26. September
1877 und 20. Mai 1869 aus der Urkunde vom
22 November 1884 eingetragen am 6. Jan-
uar 1885
No. 10-18 gelöscht
19 1820M Eintausend achthundert und zwanzig Mark
überwiesene Kaufgelder nebst 6% Zinsen
seit dem 28. April 1890 für die Geschwister
Amalie und Louise Dombski zu Wansen
und zwar zu gleichen Theilen, fällig
bei deren Großjährigkeit und zwar nach
voraufgegangener dreimonatlicher Kün-
digung auf Grund des Kaufvertrages von
28 April 1890 eingetragen am 2. Juni
gez. [signatures Rempl? Kurtz]
20 1200 Eintausend zwölfhundert M des Friedrich Kollwitz
21 1200 Eintausend zwölfhundert M des Emil Kollwitz
22 750 Eintausend zwölfhundert M des Rudolf Kollwitz
23 750 Eintausend zwölfhundert M des Wilhelm Kollwitz
zu 20-23 als künftiges Elternerbe überwiesenes Kaufgeld
[The rest becomes too unclear to read...]
0 -
Scan #5 details the inheritance (plus interest as of 28 April 1890) that is due to Amalie and Louise Dombski when they come of age and to be split equally, and also to the 4 Kollwitz brothers. Scan #6 shows when each of these amounts was paid out to the various individuals (last column) as follows -
#19 [from scan 5] Louise Dombski - 910M paid on 26 November 1892
#19 [from scan 5] Amalie Dombski - 910M paid on 11 April 1895
#20 [from scan 5] Friedrich Kollwitz - 1200M paid on 1 March 1909
#21 [from scan 5, but no name given here] 1200M paid on 11 March 1911
#22 and 23 [from scan 5, but no names given here] 750M paid on 11 December 1947
The information in the first column is difficult to make out, because the first words of each line are cut off. Basically it's saying that out of the 910M that will go to Amalie Dombski, some amount (maybe 142.50 Marks, plus 1.10 Marks recording fee) is being deducted to be paid to the royal court cashier's office, but I'm not sure why.