Translation help please, Flawil, Switzerland Baptism Records 1838–1873
#008043837 Item 2
Flawil, Switzerland Baptism Records 1838–1873
Image 152 of 154
1873, # 53
Albert Fridolin, born 14 Dec, at 11 (M), baptised 1 Jan 1874
Eltern = parents Jakob Lienhard, Elisabetha Germann
Burgersort = Buchs Ct?, Aargau
?? = #684,
(It isn't Taufzeugen und Stellvertreter)= (but in the section of) Witnesses or Godparents
Friedolin Scherrer? im Kirchberg Ct, St Gallen,
Marietta Beuhi? im Sternach?
Wohnort = residence (of parents) Gossau?
I realized that there were two different birth/baptism records attached. Why are there two? Is it a Diocesanal copy similar to Bishop's Transcripts in England?
I just attached both images to Albert Fridolin Lienhard GX5B-7YG in Memories
This one has a heading for Familienregister, Where can I find those?
the handwriting is better
I think it is witness Marietta Buchs von Sirnach
also a note in far right margin I can't read
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SorrryI forgot to add the documents themselves in my previous post.
Here are both of the copies of same baptism record in Flawil parish, I do not know why there are two. Is one from the parish itself and the other from the Diocese duplicate records?
This is what I can read, Albert Friedolin Linehard, born Dec 14 1873, bapt 1 Jan 1874, parents Jakob Lienhard, Elisabeth Germann
The rest I cannot figure out. I think the right margin says something that I cannot read.
The 2nd copy tells more on the witnesses, occupations? also a margin note.
Thank you very much.