Translation of Norwegian Birth record
I cannot make out (for certain) what precedes the father's name, but I think the first word is "forhenv: = forhenværende = former, previous, preceding". (See the Norwegian word list here: The next word is his social position and I cannot decipher that. The words after the mother's name are "Lhamer By". The "m" has a line above it which doubles it, (so "mm") making the place "Lhammer By = L(ille)hammer town/city". (Again, see "by = town, city" in the Norwegian word list).
Looking in Lillehammer in the 1865 census, we find the family here (entries 006 - 013): Olene Julie is actually Julie Oline in the census.
The indexed census record gives Lars Olsen's occupation as "Curerer Dyr" which Google translate says is "Cures Animals", so maybe some kind of veterinarian (but I can't confirm that). I will be at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City on Tuesday and will ask the Nordic staff there if they have any ideas as to what it could be and will get back to you on that.
Note: on the indexed census record if you click on "See scanned version" under "Person: 006 Lars Olsen" you will be able to see the original census record.
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I just fond Lars Olsen Grythe in the 1875 Census. He is a widow and his profession is : practis. Dyrlæge, Google translates as practice. Veterinarian. So definely a veterinarian! I'm assuming this is the same person, even though the birth year is given as 1828. Other records show 1818 as his birth date.
Being widowed makes sense. I'm trying to track why is daughter, Julie Oline, is a foster daughter in the 1875 census and that is reasonable that he send his kids off to others while he worked.
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I may have just run into a snag about this family.
In the confirmation records (1880) for Østre Gausdal, Oppland parish, there is a Julie Oline Larsdatter born on 25 April 1865, whose parents are Kjøbmand (merchant) Lars Olsen and Oline Olsdatter. Going back to the birth record for Olene Julie, I think the father's occupation (the word I couldn't decipher) is Kbmnd which is probably an abbreviation for Kjøbmand. That indexed confirmation record is here: The confirmation record doesn't say anything about the mother being deceased.
It is difficult to believe that Lars Olsen went from being a (former) merchant (kjøbmann, aka kjøbmand) in 1865 when Olene Julie is born, to a veterinarian (in the 1865 and 1875 census) and then back to a merchant (in the 1880 confirmation record)! The census records where he is a veterinarian may not be the correct person. At least, I don't think the 1875 census is him since the birthdate is way off!
I think we need to be extra careful with this family. Something doesn't add up!
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Norm, here's another possible record for Julie Oline Larsdatter. The 1870 Lillehammer Census. It shows the same family as in the 1865 census you linked up above:
There are different words for his profession here. I see "Forhenvere" which could be the word for "former". I need help figuring out the rest though, "Hunnelsborger" ??
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A borger is a citizen. I am pretty sure the word is "Handlsborger" - a "handelsmann" is a "merchant, trader" according to the Norwegian Genealogical Wordlist ( so he would be a citizen who is a (former?) merchant/trader. That fits in with the confirmation record where the father is listed as a "kjøbmann - merchant".