Layout of Sibling Tree
Is this correct? I would think it would be better to have all of my ancestors on left and wife's on right.
Collapsing my tree and then expanding my tree again puts my tree on the left and wife's on the right.
Another bug is clicking the tree collapse /expand button several time and then expanding the tree on the last click and then clicking expand siblings displays duplicate siblings.
If the last click of the tree collapse/expand button is collapse the tree and then clicking expand siblings makes the tree crash.
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May I suggest this.
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I was able to duplicate the multiple siblings bug. There were multiples of four or five of each sibling.
Also, in relation to your suggestions, I have noticed that because all of the same generation are on one row, expanding the children can put them in odd places. For example, if my own children are open and I then click on my sister's descendants, her son sometimes ends up all the way to the left of my children even though there is plenty of room directly under her. Other times, under the same conditions, he appears in the correct place under her.
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Still have this bug in the sibling tree. Opening a tree with the starting person the Husband, Father or Grandfathers, and then expanding the Wife, Mother or Grandmother tree causes the tree branches to cross. Collapsing the starting person( Self/Husband) and then expanding the tree makes it so the branches don't cross anymore.
If opening the tree with the Wife/Mother as the starting person and then expanding the Husband/Father the tree branches don't cross.
Another bub is with the children view order. They appear left to right as oldest to youngest. Then if you collapse the children and expand again they appear youngest to oldest.
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Thank you for your help in finding these errors. A recent update should have fixed all of these errors. Children and siblings should all show in the correct order, from left to right, except for the person who is in the direct line tree. If you find this occurring again, please start a new post.