Trying to find my birth father
I am trying to find my birth father. I have his name and year of birth. I am finding two possible matches based off of the year of birth. With these two matches, I found 2 marriages (one was to my birth mother) with different last name spelling of his last name.
However, I have now hit a brick wall. I am not able to find any other information on him after a match from 1970.
Any suggestions on how to proceed are appreciated.
If you do a DNA test you will very likely have DNA matches that are related to you on your paternal side. Their family trees could help you identify your father's family line. I suggest testing with Ancestry since it has the largest database.
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@Kim3926 Did the marriages take place in the same locality where you were born? From the marriage records, is any other identifying information given--an age that verifies the year of birth? How confident are you that the man on the marriage record is the person you are looking for? With the internet it's pretty hard for anybody to hide if you know the places they lived. Newspapers (especially names in obituaries), property ownership, criminal records, social media, political party affiliation, organization memberships, sports activities, educational institutions, etc., are all things that pop up with thorough Googling.
If you have any specific questions, we'll do our best to try to answer.
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Have you made any progress with your birth father? I hope the answers you received was of some help.