Looking for a spouse
Maria Lotta Zettergren - (24 Nov 1827) is listed with her family as Enk. I'm thinking she was a widow. I want to find her spouse.
Here is the link for the household record. I can't make out were she came from. I'm trying to find her spouse.
Here is the next household record.
Any help will be appreciated.
Lori Merritt
The place she has come from is Stadsberga which is a place (farm or village) in Österhaninge. She is here with her husband, Carl Olof (or Olaf) Larsson: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0029867_00095#?c=&m=&s=&cv=94&xywh=255%2C2815%2C2752%2C1434. He dies 22 December 1855.
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Thank you! It had a wedding and death date. Sad, though.