Translation Request - Marriage record
Hello, new to the group. I recently found some of my ancestors were from the Losina area of the Czech republic. I found a marriage record on Porta fontium using the index at
Chotěšov 29 | Porta fontium page 52/69 on top, right hand side about half way down to 1867 where Wenzl Roeniger and Anna Hendl are listed for Lossin page 132. Here is the link for that page Chotěšov 23 | Porta fontium and it is the first record. 1st column is the date, 2nd the place, 3rd I thinkk is the priest, 4th the names of bride and groom After that it looks like they included the parents because I can make out Gottera which was Anna's mother's maiden name. Next few columns appear to be if Catholic and age followed by witnesses. I'm guessing the last column is the banns. Any help particularly with the 4th column would be greatly appreciated.
Groom: Wenzl Roemiger Maüer=bricklayer in Lossin House #7 son of Magdalena Roemiger (illegitimate) daughter of Michael Römiger Ausnehnenos=occupation from Aütschewa bezirk=district, bischof=Bishop Trinity ___ and his wife Barbara geboren (maiden name) Beranek ___ Kludvaüer? ___ bezirk=district Mies
Bride Anna Hennl legitimate daughter of Thomas Hennl Jewohnees=Jews in Lossin N. 7 and Anna geb.(boren)=born Gottera Du Selbst=self
There are a lot of words I have never seen before. For the towns you can make an account on It will give possibilities as you put the town in. Up in the right hand corner you can change the language to English. Ortsverzeichnis is the word for Gazetteer. It has a link to the right archives.
When you click on the black square when you find your town, it will provide more info.
Lfdnr 6904
Ortsname Aktuell Losina
Ortsname Früher Lossin
Ortsname Deutsch
Ortsname Ungarisch
Ortsname Slowakisch
Ortsname Ukrainisch
Kronland Böhmen
Bezirk Stribro
Name Matrikenbeginn zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Chotesov 1599/1614/1650 Pilsen
You can also use http/ which has recent maps and also maps from the 19th century. Click on "change map".
I hope this helps. If anyone can translate the words that I cannot, please do so.
Betseylee Browning
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Betseylee, thank you so much. I had trouble making out the letters in order to even attempt a google translate. The online help for making out the writing is now on my to do list. I just registered for, just waiting for it to be activated to explore.