Translation request. What might Mod. mean in front of a woman's name in Danish?
Hi! I am looking for a little help with Birgitte/Birgithe Laulund. In her marriage record (first two images), she has some words before her name that I think might help me learn more about her, but I cannot read them well...they almost look like Madame Brenssrup. On her death record Mod. appears before her name. I would love some help figuring out what that means and where she might have been born. Thank you!
It does say "Madame Brindstrup" and it means she is higher in status than the common people [could be by her own birth or by her marriage with her former husbond, as she is a widow when she marries "Sminge"].
It probably should also say Mad[ame] at her death record.
Could this be her parents?
Census 1787: Aalborg, Hindsted, Astrup Sogn, Skovhuse, , 90, FT-1787, A4041
Kristen Nikolaysen [Laulund, see name at burial below] 41 gift hosbonde skovrider og skytte
Maren Nielsdatter 38 gift madmoder
Marie Elisabeth Kristensdatter 9 ugift deres børn
Birgitte Kristensdatter [Laulund] 7 ugift deres børn
Iver Kristensen 5 ugift deres børn
Niels Kristian Kristensen børn ugift deres
Maren Sørensdatter 67 enke konens moder
Hans Nikolaysen 38 ugift tjenestekarl
Marie Jakobsdatter 21 ugift tjenestefolk
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Død: 10. December 1794 i Astrup Sogn.
Skovrider Christen Laulund. 47 years old.
Source (page 109, bottom left):,26877320
Viet: 6. August 1802 i Astrup Sogn.
ungkarl Rasmus Brendstrup, conditionerende som Skriverkarl paa Willestrup og jomfru Birgitte Laulund.
Source (page 54, left):,26877409
Census 1801: Aalborg, Hindsted, Astrup Sogn, Villestrup Hovedgård, , 1, FT-1801, A4042
Iver Rosenkrantz 61 enke husbonde kammerherre og baron
Juliane Sophie 18 ugift hans datter
Andreas Andkier 25 ugift forvalter
Jens Guldbrand 16 ugift skriverdreng
Jens Poulsen 62 ugift opsynsmand på gården
Asbiørn Pedersen 71 ugift
Chresten Pedersen 32 ugift tjenestefolk
Kield Jensen 23 ugift tjenestefolk
Niels Sørensen 21 ugift tjenestefolk
Hans Andersen 16 ugift tjenestefolk
Niels Christensen 31 ugift tjenestefolk
Rasmus Christensen 34 ugift ladefoged
Christen Andersen 26 ugift tjenestefolk gevorben dragon
Laurs Christensen 38 ugift tjenestefolk
Søren Jensen 41 ugift tjenestefolk
Thonnis Jensen 45 ugift
Peder Nielsen 52 ugift tjenestefolk
Christian Gilthaven 64 ugift tjenestefolk
Maria Elisabeth Laulund 23 ugift tjenestefolk
Ida Elisabeth Obel 43 ugift husjomfru
Else Margrethe Sørensdatter 36 ugift tjenestefolk
Birgithe Laulund 21 ugift tjenestefolk
Maria Nielsdatter 23 ugift tjenestefolk
Dorthe Nielsdatter 25 ugift tjenestefolk
Thora Augusta Thorstensen 32 ugift tjenestefolk
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
NB: Rasmus Brindstrup/Brendstrup must have arrived to Villestrup Great-farm between this census of 1801 and the marriage in august of 1802.
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Thank you so so much! This was exactly what I needed! I don't know how you connected the two families with the different surnames, but I compared the 1801 and two 1787 censuses and it seems that's exactly what happened! And thank you for clarifying that Madame was a possible title in the marriage record. I truly appreciate all of your help!
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Hi Mike.
It is because people at that time could be called either by their patronym or their surname (if they had one) or both.
So we have Kristen Nikolaysen Laulund and his daughter Birgithe Kristensdatter Laulund [which would be their correct full names, though note variant spellings and the spelling at their baptism is the legally correct ones, not what appear in the census].
So it is important to keep that in mind when you search for people!