Request Translation of 1875 Census (Town Brailov) for Kleinberg Family
Hello Group Members,
I need help please. I am doing some research on my family in Ukraine and unfortunately I'm not fluent in Russian. I desperately need help in deciphering a few names in the 1875 Brailov Census. I've even tried using the Google Translate but some of the handwriting in the census is difficult for me to decipher. I am trying to find the surname Kleinberg (the surname could have had a different spelling variation) and/or Kopman . My great-great Grandmother Libby (Leba) was born in Brailov and her father was Yitzchak Yakov (this was on her headstone). Her sister was Rizel (maybe spelled Raizel) .I'm not sure if my great great grandmother's father passed away or the marriage ended in a divorce in Ukraine. Her mother remarried and had two more children but the surname was Kopman. I have no information on my great-great mother's date of birth. Trying to find documentation and information in Ukraine has been scarce in this region. Is anyone willing to search several pages for me to find this family and then provide translation? I have attached the link for your review. For the town of Brailov it begins on 1080 (page 536 written on the actual document). There are several pages to review before it starts another town. There are only a few last names with the letter "K". This census was provided by Alex Krakovsky, he and his volunteers have been diligently working in Ukraine uploading a treasure trove of Ukrainian documents for the general public to see and read. Thank you for your assistance.
for your information, on page 1080 the list says "additional list", meaning the complete one is probably elsewhere or lost, so not finding anything there does not mean that the people in question were not in Brailov at that time.
Nowhere in the book there are any female names, the census lists men only
I'll use Russian for the names, you can google translate them anyway, but I feel providing Russian original would be better considering every Jewish name has an equivalent that I may not be aware of
Entry #7 is Kehlberg, it says:
Рувим Мойша Ицков Кельберг 53
сын его Арон 24
Мортко Ицков Кельберг 40 (I assume Мортко may be the equivalent of Мордехай, Ицков)
on the right side there is a note that none of them were present at the time the census took place, Ruvim and son were in Mogilev and Mortko's whereabouts are unknown.
#23 is Katz
#36 is Katakha or Katrakhov
#50 is Kritzstein
#58 is Krot
#64 is Krozmark (Kreutzmark?)
#95 is Kantor
#101 is Kritzstein
#105 is Kurhaft?
#107 is Kleiman
Нухим Мошков Клейман deceased
Мошко Гданиев? Клейман 28
his brothers Арон 26, Дувад 22, Гершон deceased
#114 is Kehlber
Зельман Аронов Кельбер deceased
his son Иас (Яс?) deceased
sons of Иас above
1) Мейер Фимон deceased
2) a confusing name that seems to read Умер which is "deceased", might be a mistake on scribes end after all the dead people, but gives an age 22
Нис? Аронов Кельбер deceased (mark on the right says he's moved to Nemirov town)
#121 is Kleinman
Хаим Гершонов Клейнман умер
#122 is Kreimer
#136 is Cooperman (Куперман)
#149 is Chaim Kehlman Forbor
#150 is Kaisman
#159 is Cohen (Коган)
#167 is Kurzhner
#170 is Kvuris
#177 is Kipnis?
#191 is Katz
#192 is Kritzstein
#196 is Cooperman
#198 is Kurzhner
#199 is Katz
#202 is Kemelman
#212 is Krot
#236 is Kohlenber
Герш Мойше Срулев Коленбер deceased
his son Сруль 29, Волько 27, Лейба 23
#253 is Knafnik
Whew. Ends at page 1175, 95 pages isn't really "several"
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Dear Igor Ya,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my inquiry. My apologies for my severe lateness, I just noticed your response today. Thank you for clarifying that this particular census for this area was not complete. This has been a learning process for me in finding records for Brailov, as well as time and patience. Unfortunately, Yitzchak Yakov name was not listed. Hopefully, other census records or vital documentation will be uploaded in the near future for this area. Again, I am grateful for your time and effort.