Please translate this marriage record Joseph Francis Zwick & Anna Katherina Koch July 1820
Marriage record, right page, 3rd from the top.
Thank you for your help.
Best Answer
The spelling of the place names in Switzerland seems to be somewhat fluid. Even in this record the home location of the bride is written Lenkenwil, Lenkweilen or Lenkenweilen. I can't find any of these names, but there is a Lenggenwil ( about 11 km east of Ermatingen. Maybe it is that one? The parish of Lenggenwil was the only one of region that remained catholic after the reformation (
Assistens: Rev. Dom: Joannes Bapt: Dolder Par: Lenkenwilae
Sponsi: Honestus juvenis Josephus Zwick de Truthweilen et pudica virgo chl:(?) Anna Katharina Koch, Lenkenvilae nata et bapt: 1797 die 26ta Januarii. + 17. Dec 1866
Testes: Pancratius Koch et Antonius Lenz, uterque de Lenkweilen
Annus, Dies et Locus Copulationis: 1820 die 24, 25, et 29 Juny promulgati et 3tia July in eccl: par: Lenkenweilen copulati sunt.
Wedding priest: Reverend Johannes Baptist Dolder from parish Lenkenwil
Spouses: Honest bachelor Josephus Zwick of Truthweilen and chaste virgin chl:(?) Anna Katharina Koch, born in Lenkenvil and baptized 1797 on January 26th. died 17. Dec. 1866
Witnesses: Pancratius Koch and Antonius Lenz, both of Lenkweilen
Year, Day and Place of Marriage: banns June 24th, 25th and 29th 1820 and married July 3rd in the parish church of Lenkenweilen
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I know that Josephus Zwick was born in Fruthweilen, near Ermatingen, Switzerland, but have not been able to locate the town or parish of Lenweilern. I have used Jewish Gen Townfinder. Do you have any other ideas of how to locate Lenweilen?
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This is great information. I agree that Lengenwil is probably the town of birth. Thank you for your help. I really do appreciate it!