Translation Request
Sorry Photo did not loat
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József Halász, your great-grandfather, at age 70. My dear good father. This is how I knew him and I remember him clearly. I was 9 years old when he died.
This also was taken of an old picture by your little brother B. b. and my Gyuluka.
This photograph is a reproduction of an oil painting from 1832: it depicts József Halász, your great-grandfather (my father), who was at that time chief comptroller of Tolna county (later a home-guard hussar major). I had it made so that if the original is destroyed, a record will remain of it.
I'm not completely certain of my reading of the post-"Grandma" part of the top inscription. (If I'm right, "Gyuluka" is an endearment/diminutive of the masculine name Gyula, which is often equated with or translated as Julius, although it's actually an old Hungarian name with zero relation to the Roman one.)
Halász József, dédnagyapád
70 éves korában, az én drága jó
édesapám. Ilyennek ismertem és
tisztán emlékszem rá. 9 éves voltam
amikor meghalt.
Ezt is egy régi képről vette le B. b.
öcséd meg Gyulukám.
Ez a fénykép egy
1832-i olajfestmény
reprodukciója. Halász József
Dédnagyapádat (az én
édes apámat) ábrázolja,
aki az időben Tolnavárme-
gye főszámvevője volt (ké-
sőbb honvéd huszár őrnagy).
Azért vétettem le, hogy ha
az eredeti megsemmisülne
emlék maradjon róla.
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Thank you so very much.