How do I find Sankt Sigfrid, Kalmar on Riksarkivet?
I don't know where to find Sankt Sigfrid, Kalmar, Sweden on Riksarkivet. I have several transcribed records from Ancestry that I want to confirm and can't seem to find the correct location on Riksarkivet. Thanks for any help you can provide. David
If you know the county the parish is in (Kalmar, in this case), click on "County" here without entering any parish: Then I just do a "command F" search ("control F" on a PC) and search for "Sigfrid". The result in this case is "S:t Sigfrids kyrkoarkiv". Click on that link and you can access the records.
Alternately, you can just type "Sigfrid" in the Search archive / parish field and you will get 2 results-one for the hospital (sjukhus) in Växjö församling Kronoberg county, and one for the Sankt Sigfrid parish in Kalmar county.
The church records for Sankt Sigfrid parish in Kalmar county can be found here:
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That is so very helpful. I was entering Sankt rather than S:t and there is was! Thank you so much!