Locating DEATH/BURIAL Dates & Sites-Records: In Norway & Sweden
I have three women, two on my maternal side & one on my paternal side for whom I am trying to track down death and burial information. My success has been varied, to say the least. I thought the woman on my paternal side had perished in the Holocaust.
Paternal Side:
- Friedrika Sara Lubinger - born 20 Apr 1870, Lemberg, Poland/ died 14 Nov 1954. She was a well known Jewish medical doctor. I "found" her in Forest Cemetery in Stockholm, Sweden (quite a surprise), on "Find a Grave." Last I knew she was in Vienna, Austria. According to old newspaper articles she was imprisoned in 1939 for two years; it appears she somehow got to Sweden, 1941, after her release. If possible, I would like more detailed info. concerning her cause of death, last residence, family contacts, etc. Does anyone have access to the Swedish Archives where any of this info. might be found; a Death Index, etc. perhaps? The cemetery has no records any longer.
Maternal Side:
- Anna Marie Knudsen - born 25 Dec 1876, Bragernes, Drammen, Buskerud, Norway. I have birth, census records for my great-grandmother, but have yet to locate her death records despite many searches in the parish records. The date I heard from family for her death, is 20 Mar. 1921, but I have NOTHING to substantiate that. She lived most of her married life in Holmestrand, Norway, and by 1923 my great-grandfather came to the United States. It would really mean a lot to know where she is, when she died & perhaps her cause of death. I can't find an obit either even after search old newspapers. Ideas?
- Gunnvor (Gunni) Saeter - born 21 Dec 1910, Svelvik, Vestfold, Norway. A cousin of my grandmother (I called her 'aunt' growing up), Gunni lived much of her adult life in Stockholm, Sweden working for SAS. The last time I saw her was in, Feb 1991, and I think she may have died later that year. A cousin of mine had heard Gunni was buried in Svelvik, but we have nothing concrete to go on. Again, I wonder if she could be located in a Swedish Death Index. I found a website called slektogdata.no, but it doesn't come up in English and I can't get it to work in any fashion. There has been no luck on Billion Graves, or Find a Grave for either of these Norwegian relatives.
I feel I have hit a wall to various degrees with these three women, and I am hoping others might have some insight so I can "lay these three to rest" in a better fashion. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you.
Leah H. Snider
Hello Leah,
Regarding Friedrika Sara Lubinger:
I found her entry in "Sveriges Dödbok", a program and data file of all death dates 1830-2020 in Sweden, produced by the Swedish Genealogy Society:
It gives her occupation ("läkare" = physician), her last address (Rindögatan 15 in Stockholm), her vital dates (birth 20 April 1870 in Lviv/Lvov/Lemberg and death 14 November 1954) and her civil status ("Ogift kvinna" = unmarried woman).
Also it shows in which parish she was last registered: Oscar in Stockholm city. (All civil registers in Sweden are/were kept by the Swedish Church, even for those who were not members of it.)
All historic registers (until around 1950) are available on the website of the Riksarkivet (Swedish National Archive). Here is the link to the books of Oscar's parish in Stockholm: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/kyrkoarkiv?Arkivsok=&Lan=Stockholms+l%C3%A4n&Arkiv=SE%2FSSA%2F6025&Serie=0&PageSize=100
The access is free (in principle) but may require a registration and some basic knowledge of Swedish.
I did a quick scan and found Friedrika in the register over foreign citizens (1941-1944): https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/00030215_00042
Translation of the record:
Lubinger, Friedrike Sara, physician, unmarried, Nationality German, birth year [18]70, referral to moving-in record: [19]40 9 November, remark: mosaic faith
This led me to the moving-in records (Inflyttningslängder) where she is found under the given date (9 November 1940): https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/00029871_00105
So apparently she came to Sweden on or before that date. The record says she came from Austria and gives the same address in Stockholm (Rindögatan 15, 3rd floor).
There are possibly more records to find but probably not the death record because that date is beyond the last available year (1952).
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Regarding Gunvor Saeter:
I found the entry for her in the same "Sveriges Dödbok":
She died 19 August 1999 in Stockholm. Her last address was Öregrundsgatan 13, 5th floor, not far from the place where Friedrika Lubinger lived.
Also she was registered in the Oscar parish, at least at the time of her death.
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I found the burial entry for Gunvor Sæter (the Norwegian letter æ is important!) in Slekt og Data:
She was buried on 22 October 1999 in Svelvik, two months after her death, so possibly an urn burial.
There is a strange discrepancy though: Her birth date is given as 10 December 1928.
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RE: Anna Marie Knudsen - Unfortunately the online parish registers for Holmestrand deaths only go up to 1915. This generally means that the next register in the series is still in possession of the parish and has not been delivered to the local archive yet.
You stated you have census records for her, but not which. The 1920 census was only recently released and indexed so I check there. You didn't mention if Knudsen was her birth name, patronymic, or married name, but this woman in Holmestrand has the right first name, birth place, and birth date: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01073799001915 Is this her? If so it would confirm that she was living in Holmestrand in 1920 and so most certainly died there a year later.
You could try writing to the local church and see if they have the parish register for 1921 still and can send you a transcript of her death record. You would contact them here: post.holmestrand@kirken.no ( https://www.holmestrand.kirken.no/ )
If they have sent the book on to the archive for the area, you could contact that archive ( https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/actors/7/the-regional-state-archives-in-kongsberg ) They don't seem to have a specific e-mail, just a general one: postmottak@arkivverket.no but you could still start with that one.
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Hi Gordon,
Thank you for your response to my inquiries. You caught a mistake I made when posting this, and I thought I'd checked it carefully. My great-grandmother's full name should be Anna Marie Mathiesen (maiden name Knudsen). The last census I found her in was indeed the 1920 one.
I appreciate the links you sent and will try contacting some of those places. In fact, I have tried contacting the local church (a couple of times)--- to no avail. I will get to the archives next (I keep forgetting). You have a good idea to start with the regional archive; I had been thinking the national archives, but "closer to home" makes more sense, first.
Thank you for taking the time to provide some insights on this brick wall of mine.
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Not sure if this bit of information is known to you:
There is a second page to the census record found by @Gordon Collett : https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/73799/4527. It shows that her stay at this address is only temporary. Her permanent residence is in Botne, Vestfold. She stays in Holmestrand with her sister(?) Haldis Knudsen and is called "syk" (sick) and has "vesentlig nedsatt arbeidsevne" (significantly reduced working capacity).
There is another 1920 census record for her in Botne: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/73809/4265 (and the following page). There she is termed "arbeidsdyktig" (able to work).
The record before is for her husband Ludvig Hagbart Matiesen. and the following ones are for their children.
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Death records for Botn do run to the mid 1930's but I don't see Anna Marie there.
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Hi Ulrich, Hi Gordon,
Thank you for your new inputs with my updated name information.
Funny how information can be so disjointed sometimes, and how "new eyes" can pick up new things. Oddly enough the census information I had was from Botne; the other one from Holmestrand (which has different response) I hadn't seen. Perhaps, they were put online at different times.
I guess that's another good reason to do new searches at later dates. Time, time, time . . . something we researchers all need more of, right?! Again, I do appreciate the help --- both the links, the explanations and the translations, too.
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Hi Ulrich,
One tip has led to another and as a result I found a niece of Friederike Lubinger in, you guessed it, Stockholm! The tip was for old newspapers, I wanted to find obituaries for Friederike & Gunni, which I did but could not read without a subscription. I inquired at the Royal Library in Stockholm & for a small, reasonable fee they sent me copies of the old papers which also contained a wealth of other information. *If you aren't familiar with this library you might look into it for your wife's family research. They were VERY helpful & fast!
I am hoping you wouldn't mind seeing if the niece, Leonie Pilewski Karlsson, is in the Sveriges Dodbok. Her obituary said she was born 22 Feb 1897, and died 1 Dec 1992, in Stockholm. A short bio I found for her said she got to Sweden by way of Switzerland in 1938.
Could you tell me what to enter in for a search on the riksarkivet to see if I can find the records similar to her aunt's --- the moving in & foreigners records? I will then do some searching there? Maybe a death listing will give an address so I can figure out the parish she lived in. I only found her mention in the biographical collection; it seems she was a well-known architect & artist (in later life).
Thank you.
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Hello Leah,
here is the entry for Leonie Karlsson in Sveriges Dödbok:
I hope the image clip comes through. Otherwise I'll send it to you by private email. I'll also answer your other question by email - please allow a few days.
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Thank you, Ulrich. The image came through. I appreciate it. I see this mentions a divorce as well. Another new bit of information.
No rush on the other information; do it when it's convenient for you. Sending that by private email would be perfect.