Help deciphering census record
I would appreciate some help deciphering this 1860 census record. I'm having a hard time reading the occupations listed for the various members of the Borden household (starts on line 11).
Ag[en]t FRJ W[or]ks Co
Sup[erintenden]t Mill
Book keeper
Academic Student
Domestic (3 times)
That's my take on it.
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Thanks for the input! Makes a lot more sense now, especially the Mill Superintendent part.
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19-21 Is "Domestic" Kathleen is correct on this and the rest.
However, 11 Looks Like "Ajs F, R, I Wks Co." With all the letters in caps, I think they stand for Freight, Rail, Iron. So, I think it would be " Aj's Freight, Rail, and Iron Works Company" This would fit the date and the estate values of 68,00 and 282,00. I compared this to other letters on the cen. and the sheet below that may help you with different spellings in the 1800s. I hope this is helpful.
Michael Long
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@Kathleen Ackerman @MikeLongSr Based on this newspaper clipping and all the input given I'm starting to think it might say "Ag(en)t F(all) R(iver) I(ron) W(or)ks Co". (link to newspaper clipping)
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Sound correct the Ags or Agt could stand for agent or Adjuster You may find this person on another cen. However, it may be in a different area. because this is a boarding house. Whatever the job title that is where he worked. Glad we on this platform could help.