German Transcription
Hello everyone. I kindly ask your help to fill in the missing words and correct the wrong ones of this German transcription; entry number 35. I tried to do it myself, but couldn't figure out most of the handwriting. Thanks.
I) Jahr, Monat und Dag ser Geburt und der Taufe, 1912:
gnb. (=geboren) 6. Juli
12 1/4 h [???],
9. Juli
5 h [???]
II) Name des Daufende:
[???] Josef [???]
III) Name des Detauften:
Eltern der Beataufte:
IV) Eltern der Dor= und Zuname, Charafter:
V) Mutter Dor= und Zuname:
Schuldenzucker Eleonora, ledig, [???], Georg Schüldenzüker, [???], Mühldorf Nr. 20, [???] Maria, gnb. (=geboren) Hofstätter, [???].
VI) Ort. Name desfelben und Nr. des Haufes:
Mühldorf Nr. 20
VII) Paten:
Maria [???]
Maria [???]
[???] in Mühldorf 29 [???]
n. 20.12.1929
VIII) Hebamme:
IX)) Unmertung:
[???] 12.10.1914 [???] „Nitterl“ [???].
[???] 20.12.1929 Z.L.A.I/8-6830
Jahr, Monat und Tag der Geburt und der Taufe
Name des Taufenden
Name des Getauften
Religion: Katholisch, Protestantisch
Geschlecht: Männlich, Weiblich
Eigenschaft: Ehelich, Unehelich
Eltern der Getauften
Vaters Vor- und Zuname, Charakter. Im Falle der Vater eines unehelichen Kindes sich als solcher erklärt und eingeschrieben sein will, hat dies persönlich und in Gegenwart zweier Zeugen zu geschehen, die dies, und daß er der Nämliche sei, dessen Name und Stand er angibt, zu bestätigen haben.
Mutter Vor- und Zuname und der ihrer Eltern, ihres Charakters und Wohnortes
Ort, Name desselben und Nr. des Hauses
Paten, haben sich eigenhändig einzutragen oder mit eigenhändigen Kreuzzeichen ihre Unterschrift zu bestätigen
Hebamme, Tauf- und Zuname, Stand, geprüft oder ungeprüft
Unmerkung. Bei unehelichen Geburten ist der abwesende Vater nur dann einzutragen, wenn eine rechtskräftige Urkunde von ihm ausgefertigt und vorgelegt wird.
35. geb. 6. Juli 12 1/4 h nachts, getauft 9. Juli 5 h nachm.
Dr. Josef Hollesteiner Koop.
NITTERL Maria Anna, confirmatier 11.VI.22 in Marberg(?)
Katholisch, Weiblich, Unehelich
Schuldenzucker Eleonora, ledig, ehel. Tochter das Georg Schuldenzucker, Müllermaisters in Mühldorf Nr. 20, u. der Maria, geb. Hofstätter, alle Kath.
Mühldorf Nr. 20
Maria ?eck, Maria ?ertl, Schuhmachersgattin in Mühldorf 29, Kath.
Margaretha Rula, geprüft. [Additions that clearly have nothing to do with the column headers:] 22.12.1929. Bischofl. Ordinariat. ?.7366, ?.20.12.1929
?? ... ?? 12.10.1914 ?? Maria Anna "Nitterl" ??
?? ... ?? 20.12.1929 Z.L.A.I/8-6830
(Gaah, I thought I was doing so well, until I got to the remarks... I can't read that guy's writing.)
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Year, month, and day of birth and baptism
Name of the baptizer
Name of the baptized
Religion: Catholic, Protestant
Gender: male, female
Status: legitimate, illegitimate
Parents of the baptized
Father's fore- and surname, character. In case the father of an illegitimate child declares himself and wishes to be entered as such, he should state so personally and in front of two witnesses, who should verify this, and that he is the person whose name and status/character he gave.
Mother's fore- and surname and that of her parents, their characters and residences
Place, name of same and the number of the house
Godparents, should sign or make their marks by their own hands
Midwife, baptismal and surname, status: certified or uncertified
Remarks. For illegitimate births, the missing father is only to be entered if he completes and submits a proper certificate.
35. born 6 July 12:15 a.m., baptized 9 July 5 p.m.
Dr. Josef Hollesteiner assistant priest
NITTERL Maria Anna, confirmed 11 Jun 1922 in Marberg (reading of placename uncertain)
Catholic, female, illegitimate
(father blank)
Schuldenzucker Eleonora, single, legitimate daughter of Georg Schuldenzucker, master miller in Mühldorf number 20, and of Maria, born Hofstätter, all Catholics.
Mühldorf number 20
Maria ?eck, Maria ?ertl, shoemaker's wife in Mühldorf 29, Catholic
Margaretha Rula, certified
22 Dec 1929, something about Bishop's something, 20 Dec 1929
29 Jan 1889
... 12 Oct 1914 ... Maria Anna Nitterl ... 20 Dec 1929 ...
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Thanks for your help.
Would you know the answer for the following questions or, perhaps, could guide me on how to get it? It is to solve a genealogy brick wall in order to correctly build my brother-in-law's family tree and register in the genealogy family book.
1) On the legal aspect or significance of the birth record of Maria Anna SCHULDENZUCKER (G838-25R):
1.1. Was Maria Anna SCHULDENZUCKER (G838-25R) legally adopted by August NITTERL (G6QF-CXR)?
1.2. Did Maria Anna SCHULDENZUCKER have only August NITTERL's last name without being adopted by him?
1.3. Did August NITTERL give the legitimation of Maria Anna SCHULDENZUCKER in the birth book? (In this case, August NITTERL would be the biological father).
About the surname NITTERL:
August NITTERL (G6QF-CXR) married to Eleonora SCHULDENZUCKER (GQL6-9ZL) on the 25 March 1915 in Niederranna, Krems, Lower Austria, Austria. In their marriage record does not state that Eleonora SCHULDENZUCKER (GQL6-9ZL) had a children:
In fact, Eleonora SCHULDENZUCKER (GQL6-9ZL) already had two illegitimated children before getting married to August NITTERL (G6QF-CXR). Those two children were:
1) Maria Anna SCHULDENZUCKER (G838-25R), born on the 6 July 1912, in Niederranna, Krems, Lower Austria, Austria:
2) Georg SCHULDENZUCKER (GQL6-Z34), born on the 24 May 1914, in Vienna, Austria:
Note: August NITTERL also gave his surname to Georg SCHULDENZUCKER.
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In my experience, marriage registers never mention the children, no matter how late the marriage was. The legitimization or adoption remarks are only on the child's register entries.
The answers to your questions have to be in Maria Anna's Remarks column -- which I can't read -- or maybe in the alphabet soup at the bottom of Georg's Godparents and Remarks columns.
My best advice is to ask in the Germany Research group (, specifically about just the remarks on both birth records.
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If you please can help me doing the German transcription of Augustina Nitterl's birth recor. Entry number 24 of her birth record:
1) Jahr, Monat und Tag der Geburt und der Taufe: geboren am 25 Oktober ([???] fünfundzwanzig) ??? 1/2 2 nachts, getauft am 30. Okt., 3/4 22 mittags.
2) Name des Taufenden: Josef Hubey. Cooperator
3) Name des Getauften: Augustina
4) Religion: Katholisch
5) Geschlecht: Weiblich
6) Eigenschaft: Ehelich
7) Eltern der Getauften
7.1. Daters Dor= und Zuname, Charafter: Nitterl August, derzeit [???] Schumachermeister in Mühldorf N° 20, Witner seit dem Tode der Maria Nitterl, ehelicher Sohn des Anton Nitterl, Witers in Oxembach an der Ferschnitz N. Oest. und der Aloisia, geborenen Ertl, alle Katholisch.
7.2. Mutter Dor= und Zuname: Eleonora, geb. Schuldenzucker, ehelicher Tochter des Schuldenzucker Georg, Müllers in Mühldorf N° 20, und Maria, geborene Hofstetter, alle katholisch.
8) Ort. Name desfelben und Nr. des Haufes: Mühldorf N° 20
9) Paten: [???], Schumachermeister[???] in Mühldorf N° 29, Katholish.
10) Dauf= und Zuname, Stand geprüft oder ungeprúft: Maria Sch[???], [???] in Spitz.
11) Unmerfung:
7, 5, 1887.
29. 1. 1889.
25. 3. 1915.
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24. Geboren am 25 Oktober (d. fünfundzwanzig) um 1/2 2 nachts, getauft am 30. Okt. 3/4 12 mittags.
Josef Huber Cooperator.
Augustina, katholisch, weiblich, ehelich
Nitterl August, derzeit Landsturmmann, Schuhmachermeister in Mühldorf No. 20, Witwer seit dem Tode der Maria Nitterl, ehelichen Sohn des Anton Nitterl, Wirtes in Oxenbach an der Ferschnitz, N. Oest. und der Aloisia, geboren Ertl, alle katholisch.
Eleonora, geb. Schuldenzucker, eheliche Tochter des Schuldenzucker Georg, Müllers in Mühldorf No. 20, und der Maria, geborenen Hofstetter, alle katholisch.
Mühldorf No. 20
Maria Hartl, Schuhmachermeistersgattin in Mühldorf No. 29, katholisch.
Maria Schwaiger, geprüfte Hebamme in Spitz.
7, 5, 1887.
29, 1, 1889
24. 3. 1915.
(Matrik auf Gr?? des Trauungsbuches.)
For the corrected column headers, see my first reply to this thread. In particular, notice that you're misreading both the 'k' and the long 's' as "f", and you're also still sometimes turning the capital 'T' around and misreading it as "D".
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Thanks a lot. What does the word "Cooperator" stand for, in the column "Name des Taufenden"?
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It's roughly "assistant priest".
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Thanks. You may be able to help me with other genealogy brick wall. It is my brother-in-law's mother, Ella / Eleonora Nitterl (GQFJ-6PK); her first name could be either Ella or Eleonora.
Name: Ella / Eleonora Nitterl (GQFJ-6PK)
Birthd Date: 24 June 1922
Birth Place: Austria
Father: August Nitterl (G6QF-CXR)
Mother: Eleonora Schuldenzucker (GQL6-9ZL)
Events in Chronological Order
1) December 1929, in Austria. The Nitterl's family preparations for the trip to Peru:
August Nitterl (G6QF-CXR) registered his surname NITTERL to his wife's two illegitimated children, Maria Anna Schuldenzucker (G838-25R) and Georg Schuldenzucker (GZ1S-VD5), as per following:
2) Year 1930, when the Nitterl family most likely traveled to Peru:
The Nitterl family most probably embarked for Peru in January 1930, on the steamer Colombo of the Italian navigation company Navigazione Generali Italiana; probably three family members embarked there and a fourth one embarked for Peru in March 1930. The information I have is that they arrived in Callao, Peru, stayed at the "Hotel de Migrantes" and then went to the jungle border city of Satipo.
Other possibility is that some of the Nitterl family embarked for Peru on the Orazio steamer of the Italian navigation company Navigazione Generali Italiana, on 28 November 1929, arriving in Callao, Peru, at Christmas night.
The Nitterl's family were among the Austrian families who emigrated to Peru in the period of the establishment of an Austrian settlement in Peru (1929-1932).
3) In Peru - Ella /Eleonora Nitterl (GQFJ-6PK), in Peru:
She signed her full name as ELLA NITTERL in her 15 - April - 1938 - Peru - marriage record, which is the earliest record of her I could find. She married in La Merced, Chanchamayo, Junin, Peru. As ii follows:
Note: Her marriage record states she was from Germany (Alemania, in Spanish). It might be because of the 13 - March - 1938 Anschluss proclaimation. Although she used to say she was from Hamburg, Germany, I never found any evidence of it.
Her married name appears typed as ELEONORA DE FARKAS, in a 15 - May - 1945 travel document issued by the Consulate of Brazil in Iquitos, Peru. Such a document is the earliest record of her I could find with the first name ELEONORA. As it follows:
She and her husband arrived in Brazil on the 30 May 1940, where they ended up living for the rest of their lives. In Brazil, her name appeared as ELEONORA JOHANNA NITTERL FARKAS. Then she became a widow and got married again.
Attached: her marriage record
and travel document.